    why do doctors grope female patients

    +1  Views: 907 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    B.S. or brenna, sorry not making fun, could you be a little more specific about what your definition of grope is?

    11 Answers

    I wanted to comment from my earlier answer. I know this does happen occasionally. There are perves in all professions. For someone whom we trust and respect to do this to a patient is just down right(almost) unforgivable. We had a well established and highly respected gyno from my home town accused of the same thing. I don't know if he was found guilty or not but it ruined his career and this was so unfortunite(guilty or not)because he was a terrific doctor.
    I am a man and sometimes have almost felt violated by a doctor a time or two, it's probably just the side effect of someone being in your personal space.

    There may be a rare occasion when a doctor acts inappropriately, but I think many times, it may just be our imagination getting the best of us.

    Most don't grope their patients. Those who do should be reported and arrested.
    Every gyno or obstetrics appointment I have ever had my doctor pushes his little red button on the wall and a nurse steps in,as soon as he's done with his exam the nurse steps out,this is good for him(doctor) and me.Definitely no groping there.:)

    Smart doctor, he's protecting himself against frivolous law suits, so if someone even considers making a false claim he is covered. That Covering Your Assets, so to speak.
    If the patient has not been properly instructed of what will take place during(such as) a vaginal exam, then the patient may become frightened and confused. They can't rationalize why the items that look as though the've come straight out of the science fiction movie are now having a layover in their uterus. So then there minds begin to play tricks on these fine people and before you know it, your smack dab in the middle of a law suit. (did i spell suit correctly or is it suite?) Can't find my dictionary, I'm lost without it!
    Years ago I escorted my wife to her Gyno. He asked me if I wanted to be present during the examination. I never stached any jewelry or money there, so what was the point. Hell no.

    nurses can act as chaperones
    Doctors do not 'grope' they prod' There is a difference, if you have a doctor that gropes, find a new doctor and report 'him/her to the police.
    How do you know that? What do you call grope?
    Yup...leeroy is right about the personal space being violated...there is a distinct difference between a doctor examining you and groping'll understand the difference eventually...if you truly feel that you have been violated discuss it either with the doctor (don't be chicken) or your parents or another family member...wishing you the best!
    Because they can get away with it.

    unfortunately, you are right. women need to be informed what is ok and not ok.
    (worked for a doctor for awhile)
    the best way to stop this if you have doubts about the doctor insist on a chaperone.A good dr will ask you if you want one it protects him against false allegations too.

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