    Ok I know that I have asked this question before, but this is really starting to freak me out and scare me a lil, when the time does come I will be ready, but they are saying on the news and everywhere else that this sat the 21 of 2011 at 6pm that it is judgement time, that there will be a big earthquake and God is coming to take His church?? Someone have any advice or answers for me please??

    0  Views: 512 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    I can almost garentee it won't happen then, as only GOD knows the time.
    If you're ready why be scared, pray for the ones left behind.
    the same "pastor" harold campings also predicted yhe world was going to end in 1994, yet were still here , beware of false prophits

    Is that what you call a false prophet?? Yeah and thats the guy that i was worried about, this man is putting up bill boards and everything :( I will be ready if it happens but i dont wanna go into a panic before it does you know what it mean??

    if hes so confident is willing to sell off all!including his soul
    It is a last ditch stand by certain religious groups to brainwash the unwary. If the world ends it ends end of story.
    Greetings Sam,

    If you have given your life to Jesus Christ (born again) you will have nothing to fear. And I certainly would not fear any unproven self proclaiming prophets.

    Since I'll be left behind when the time comes for all of you who will be leaving then, will you please put all of your money in an envelope under the drivers seat so I can find it when you are gone and won't need it any more. Thanks pal.
    It is a last ditch stand by certain religious groups to brainwash the unwary. If the world ends it ends end of story.

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