    which is the cleanist energy and does not pollute the envioment as much!

    +3  Views: 656 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    Great question, keep up the good work, thumbs up...

    7 Answers

    Passive Solar
    Sorry about the above... Computer went a little nuts and kept giving me an "internal error." I had no idea it was posting again and again. Oops.
    ed shank

    Been happening to me all day.

    Yeah, I found out the hard way that when it goes to that screen, it still posts your answer, every time. Good answer thumbs up.
    Horse, buggy and the pony express.
    Bike riding and walking
    Hydrogen is the key to the future. It is the most abundant element in the universe, the universe (stars, etc.) run off it, you can make it from simply splitting water, and when you run a fuel cell or an internal combustion engine on it, all that is released (essentially) as exhaust is water vapor. No emissions, endless supplies, what more could you want?
    Hydrogen is the key to the future. It is the most abundant element in the universe, the universe (stars, etc.) run off it, you can make it from simply splitting water, and when you run a fuel cell or an internal combustion engine on it, all that is released (essentially) as exhaust is water vapor. No emissions, endless supplies, what more could you want?
    Hydrogen is the key to the future. It is the most abundant element in the universe, the universe (stars, etc.) run off it, you can make it from simply splitting water, and when you run a fuel cell or an internal combustion engine on it, all that is released (essentially) as exhaust is water vapor. No emissions, endless supplies, what more could you want?

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