    what do I have to do to use cell phone in europe?

    I want to be able to use a sim card from germany while there

    0  Views: 571 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    In Australia we can have "Global Roaming" which allows for use overseas of our mobile `phone. HOWEVER the trap for young players is you pay for incoming as well as outgoing calls, very expensive. What I do , and reccommend is take a `phone that is unlocked from any network and buy a pe-paid sim card in Germany at hundreds of outlets. This gives you a new number so pre-arrange with a good friend to let your friends know the number which you text to him/her. This saves you spending money letting everyone know your new number. I have done this on numerious occasions.
    Contact your cell phone provider & it can be arranged.

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