    how do i find my ip address?

    0  Views: 559 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    You can find your internet ip address by clicking this .
    It shows your ip address, bandwidth , space and etc., info.


    Correct answer.. Keep your ip addy local..
    Google it. Go under google and ask the question "what is my ip address" and it will give it to you. WARNING! You may open yourself up to hackers. When I did this I did get my ip address and my email was hacked and thousands of mail began flowing through my email an my local cable company thought I was doing it and shut my internet access down. My email was used to send spam mail from and through China. When I convinced the cable company that it was not me that was doing this they allowed me to continue my internet access. Eventually I had to close my email account and my computer was shut down by Trojans and virus. Desiring and getting my ip address caused me to lose a lot of money to restore and repair my system. Make sure you have adequate, no, more than adequate protection on your computer before you do this. This is the only way that I know how to get it.

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