    what is the biggest number

    0  Views: 807 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Numbers are unending, they never stop, you should fall asleep if you try to count them........

    The biggest number is useless unless it is considered as a symbol. The infinity symbol looks like the figure 8 laid horizontally. I see it in symbolic math books and papers where the writer can't juggle the crap they are trying to explain beyond the notion they came to on page two and need a few more pages to justify their tome to their supporters. I look at its appearance as the realization that the writer has run out of GGGGGs.
    The answer is on the last page of the internet

    The biggest number is "infinity" but it has got no use in our daily practice.

    no one really knows numbers go on forever there called the infinity numbers
    numbers are infnite meaning they go on forever and never stops
    Used to be 10 to the power of 10 to the power of 10....don't need much bigger than that.

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