    Best looking car of all time?

    What's the best looking car of all time?

    For me it will always be the Lamborghini Countach...

    +3  Views: 3219 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    I've owned three 68 Firebird's the last two were convertibles, and I believe the same person who designed them was the designer of the corvette stingray...

    The hard top I owned in high school had a silver anniversary corvette paint job, and sometimes people would ask me if it was a corvette.

    The car just has such nice curves compared to the more boxy cousin the camaro, the parts are more expensive too.

    I also had a 71 Mach 1 mustang, that was dangerously fast, I bought it from a friend I worked with for 800 bucks it was the fastest car in my town in the late 80's that was street legal. That was a beautiful car, I just didn't like the white vinyl interior.
    ed shank

    Zora Arkos Duntov designed the corvette bodies (1963-1967) which he took from the mako shark (the fish) outline. And I believe Delorean had some design input with that year Fire chicken.

    Thanks ed, I saw a t.v. show that had a prototype fb, that looked exactly like the body change year of the corvette, from the old smaller style to the new in the 70's larger body style. Just wondering if that was the same guy...
    Bentley Continental Supersports Convertible :-)

    Oh yeah!

    You like :-)
    Various models of Dusenberg.
    a red 1969 mercedes benz 280sl convertable coup... man do i miss mine (ya right)
    Went to Vegas and stopped in at the Dusenberg museum. My pants got tight. Beautiful machines.
    ed shank

    She was a honey. What goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
    Although not the most reliable, Trans Am
    Corvette Stingray

    ....the one that is paid for and safe's all in the eye of the beholder 

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