    I have a combination ceiling fan with 4 lights. One light popped right out, leaving the screw-in part inside. Now I can only use the fan with the lights on. The remote will now allow me to use just one or the other. How can this be fixed?

    I have a combination ceiling fan with 4 lights. One light popped right out, leaving the screw-in part inside. Removed the screw-in part & put in new bulb. Now I can only use the fan with the lights on. The remote will NOT allow me to use just the fan without using the lights also. How can I fix this problem?

    +1  Views: 435 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    I have 3 ceiling fans with light bulbs. That happened to me quite a few times, where the bulb breaks off of it's base, leaving the rest of it in the socket.
    Anyway , I think my freind,Ron used a long nosed pliers to get it out. I heard a woman say that if you stick a half of a raw potato in there, it will grab onto the piece and pull it out.
    Try cutting a raw potato in half and place it into the socket and turn. It should loosen and help remove the remaining part of the light. If you use pliers you may get a shock or electrocuted. Go to the power box and flip the breaker switch or remove the fuse if it's a fuse box. It's not wise to use anything metal in an electrical outlet.

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