    When you are requested to substitute how does it show up? I have received numerous e-mails about having been requested. I have had my computer on and have never seen any of these requests show up. Are you geared to just notify those requested? How does that work? Is there a special place I should be looking?

    0  Views: 311 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    I (and I'll bet many others - due to lack of responses) am COMPLETELY lost as to what you are talking about or asking. And, you have received numerous emails requesting you, but have never seen any requests show up? Wha? Huh? Isn't that the same thing? How do you think they will or should contact you? And this: "Are you geared to just notify those requested?" has me totally baffled.
    PLEASE clarify.
    Finally, I hope you are not talking about substitute teaching, or God help us all.
    We certainly can't help if we no idea at all what you are talking about. Please try to communicate more clearly...

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