    an example of an insulator are materials like?

    0  Views: 2188 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: science

    7 Answers

    Tell your teacher you don`t know and would he/she explainit to you. Next time pay attention.

    Your skull

    Tell your teacher you don`t know and would he/she explain it to you. Next time pay attention.



    Telegraph and power transmission insulators

    Suspended glass disk insulator unit used in cap and pin insulator strings for high voltage transmission lines

    Suspended wires for electric power transmission are bare, except where they enter buildings, and are insulated by the surrounding air. Insulators are required at the points at which they are supported by utility poles or pylons. Insulators are also required where the wire enters buildings or electrical devices, such as transformers or circuit breakers, to insulate the wire from the case. These hollow insulators with a conductor inside them are called bushings.

    10 kV ceramic insulator, showing sheds

    [edit] Material

    Insulators used for high-voltage power transmission are made from glass, porcelain, or composite polymer materials. Porcelain insulators are made from clay, quartz or alumina and feldspar, and are covered with a smooth glaze to shed water. Insulators made from porcelain rich in alumina are used where high mechanical strength is a criterion. Porcelain has a dielectric strength of about 4–10 kV/mm.[1] Glass has a higher dielectric strength, but it attracts condensation and the thick irregular shapes needed for insulators are difficult to cast without internal strains.[2] Some insulator manufacturers stopped making glass insulators in the late 1960s, switching to ceramic materials.

    Recently, some electric utilities have begun converting to polymer composite materials for some types of insulators. These are typically composed of a central rod made of fibre reinforced plastic and an outer weathershed made of silicone rubber or EPDM. Composite insulators are less costly, lighter in weight, and have excellent hydrophobic capability. This combination makes them ideal for service in polluted areas. However, these materials do not yet have the long-term proven service life of glass and porcelain.

    [edit] Design

    High voltage ceramic bushing during manufacture, before glazing.

    The electrical breakdown of an insulator due to excessive voltage can occur in one of two ways:

    Puncture voltage is the voltage across the insulator (when installed in its normal manner) which causes a breakdown and conduction through the interior of the insulator. The heat resulting from the puncture arc usually damages the insulator irreparably.Flashover voltage is the voltage which causes the air around or along the surface of the insulator to break down and conduct, causing a 'flashover' arc along the outside of the insulator. They are usually designed to withstand this without damage.

    Most high voltage insulators are designed with a lower flashover voltage than puncture voltage, so they will flash over before they puncture, to avoid damage.

    Dirt, pollution, salt, and particularly water on the surface of a high voltage insulator can create a conductive path across it, causing leakage currents and flashovers. The flashover voltage can be more than 50% lower when the insulator is wet. High voltage insulators for outdoor use are shaped to maximize the length of the leakage path along the surface from one end to the other, called the creepage length, to minimize these leakage currents.[3] To accomplish this the surface is molded into a series of corrugations or concentric disk shapes. These usually include one or more sheds; downward facing cup-shaped surfaces that act as umbrellas to ensure that the part of the surface leakage path under the 'cup' stays dry in wet weather. Minimum creepage distances are 20–25 mm/kV, but must be increased in high pollution or airborne sea-salt areas.

    material that don't conduct electricity well
    Insulators are materials that don't conduct electricity. For example, dry wood, dry paper, china, porcelain, most plastics (but definitely not all).

    There are also insulators against heat conduction. These include polystyrene foam panels and pellets, still air or gas (as in double glazing windows).

    Hope this helps.

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