    I try to send an e-mail and it has a box that says to prevent scammers add characters before sending an e-mail. what characters and where do I put these so I can send a message?

    0  Views: 234 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Many sites have this, including some email providers who ask you to do it occasionally after the first time.

    When you have your email written, scroll down.

    You will see letters, or letters and numbers, leaning backwards, overlapping... usually making no sense.

    Below there will be a box to type in what you see.

    Do that and then scroll down further where you will see SUBMIT or CONTINUE. If you are correct you email will be sent. If not, you can try again with different letters or numbers.

    If that doesn't work, and some are very difficult to read, there is an audio button, but have a pen ready... the voice reads out what to write too fast to type unless you are VERY fast.

    The point of it is that machines can't read these codes and so scammers etc can't register electronically.

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