    can a deceased person see his family after death?

    My 13 year old son recently died and I am wondering if he can see us from Heaven. I have had different answers, but it seems that it is what you believe in. I just needed to know. (Grieving mother)

    +6  Views: 2728 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

    12 Answers

    I am so sorry to hear your loss, I have a lump in my throat thinking of what you are going through. I would hope that our loved ones would want to check in on us once in a awhile. I have heard and experienced too many oddities in my life to believe they just go away.One thing I would like to say to you is that I would think your son would be so sad to know that you have in any way quit living in this world and died with him.Keep his memory alive and celebrate who he was in this world. You will see one another again, there is no doubt but please, stay with your life and love your gift of life.I have two boys and pray that I never have to experience this.My heart aches for you.
    I believe in spirits returning to check everyone out that they had loved before departing earth...actually I "talk" to my Mother daily...her ashes are in a teapot that she loved dearly and very near and dear to me those ashes are! I'm so sorry to hear that your child died..there really can't be anything more difficult in my book than having to bury your child instead of it being the other way around! (: Are you OK? Do you have people around you to comfort you? I care as does everyone else on this site...(:

    Hipster, I to have my moms ashes, in a urn on my desk in my music room. I sing to her. I said a prayer for Stephanie 1126.
    So sorry for your loss, As a regular christian I firmly believe and know that there is no pain in heaven,I really feel as though if our loved ones could see us it may bring sadness,but Jesus talks about how we will recognize each other in heaven,to me that's all that matters,because I know we all will rejoice and see each other again,except this time no tears nor any fears,you will see your son again,and he will know you when you get there,keep the faith,and for now rejoice in his memories,because it's the faith and the wonderful memories that will get you through,until you meet again.:)
    Stephanie, believe your son can visit you. He has already been visiting you. If you wish to see him, be open to it and you will see him. Don't pay attention to the closed off people. The ones who think only a handful get to go to heaven. Your son is there and he is visiting you trying to help you through your grief. Ignore the negative people. They are of no help to you. God and your son are.

    My mother wants me to clarify, yes, he can see you from heaven. If he thinks of you, he sees you at that moment. He will know you grieve and be sad for you but he will want you to know he is happy and wants you to be happy for him. These times he can see you only last a few minutes however. She told me to tell you to ask him to visit you in your dreams and he will. Just try to remove as much of the grief as you can so he does not have to fight through it to get to you. Grief keeps our loved ones from being able to get to us to communicate that they are OK and happy.
    (added at 3:35 pm 5/12/2011)

    Thank you, Colleen for saying so well what I feel. Whatever our individual beliefs the lady is grieving. Negative answers and flippancy are out of place.
    Yes, the diseased can visit with their loved ones. My sister visited all her children when she died. Her oldest was 5 and when his father went to tell him that his mother wasn't coming home, he said I know daddy, she came to see me and tell me. Now he had been sleeping all night, his dad has to wake him to tell him, so no one else had told him. The 3 1/2 year old said mommy had slept with him that night. Her 3rd was a 6 month old baby so no story from her. But I'm sure my sister saw her too. That's my proof, from the mouths of babes, that the decreased can come visit.


    I just reread your question an saw that you asked if they can see from heaven...I think you mean like look down and watch all the time? That's not allowed. Even heaven has invasion of privacy rules.

    Don't mean to dispute your answer, but it was probably an angel appearing as the mom sent to comfort the children.

    Oh ffs..go away with your bible b.s. It was my sister. My mother got a visit from her too. My mother had been taken to heaven to see her. My father came to my mother after he died. Angels are not real. Souls are.

    i agree with ff

    Close minded thinking will keep you from seeing the people you love after they die. That's your greatest loss. My grandfather has visited me. There are no beings with huge wings. All go to heaven. I went to visit my dog after she died. Animals have a heaven. Yet Christians will continue to believe a book that tells them only special people go to heaven. Only bible book believers. Well, I've had it proven to me that even the non believers go to heaven. You can not take my truths away from me. I have many more stories, all real, all true and not one person in my family is insane.

    You would daren. Your mind is closed to the true God and the truths of heaven and Soul also.

    Colleen. Your language could be a little better on this type of question

    Oh Colleen, don't you realize I am an angel come to reveal the Greater truth to you?

    My language is just fine to let her know I will defend her need to see her son and know he's OK and he is with her.

    No, I realize you are a close minded person when it comes to heaven and soul and you bring only parrot words from a book.

    Sorry, been there, and I even got the t-shirt to prove it. I know heaven, I know who goes there, I know angels. I know where the dead are, and they aren't able to "visit", no matter what you "believe". If you are visited from the beyond, they are angels, good or bad. Angel is interpreted as "messenger", and it is their job to help us through this life when needed. Rejoice in this knowledge.

    You've not been to Soul's heaven then. You've been to the Etheric plane. Drug users go there when they're on a high. That is the lowest of the heaven worlds. When you die, you go to the Astral or above.

    There are different dimensions in the spirit realm, just as there are in this physical realm, (2nd and 3rd). However, the soul is one's identity, which is how spirits can be differentiated. There are only two "planes" where one goes when they pass from this realm, one is with God, the other is not with God. There are different "planes" with God and without. If they are away from God, they lose their soul (identity) and is why they will never be remembered again, spiritually speaking, and will pass into different levels of "darkness".
    When one get's "high" in this realm, they pass into an illusionary world of the fallen angels. It is possible to gain some truth during this experience, since they came from the truth, but it is of a different "language" and distorted. In other words, one thinks they are hearing/seeing one thing, when in actually they are being fed coded language that the brain perceives as reality, but it isn't. Very dangerous, as it will lead into a bondage that is very difficult to break free from to later, and hopefully, be able to grasp the greater truth.

    You're very short on the amount of heaven planes. There are actually 13 (13 is actually a positive number, not a negative). All planes of heaven are of God as He created them. The Physical and the Ethric is ruled by the negative power, the one you call Satan, who supposedly has horns a tail and red skin holding a pitch fork (snicker). The Astral is where Souls already deceased meet family members just crossing over. The newly deceased are then taken to the heaven plane they are meant to be in. All Souls have the ability depending on their spiritual achievements to make it to all 13 levels. As you know, I believe in reincarnation. Soul gains greater insight through new lives and spiritually unfolds allowing them to advance to new levels of heaven as they grow closer to God's truths. There are no fallen angels, only lost, confused Souls. They will eventually find their way to heaven once they come to terms with the fact they have moved from the physical plane. There is no language, just inner knowing. Vocal speech does not exist in the heaven worlds. It only exists here where the body has vocal cords.

    @ FF, what happend to the 4th dimension ? and if ur a ANGEL then stop all these wars and if you're GOD like u said fix the mess we are in if you CANT i want some of the drugs your on !!!!!

    I only mentioned the two "planes" in the spirit realm, there are many dimensions of existence and non existence, within the planes. The two planes divide the saved and the lost, which the Bible describes as the great gulf. Our "achievements" are determined in our life to determine the rewards in the eternal spirit realm with God, either with the saved or the lost. For the saved, these achievements are based upon what we do with the will of God once it is instilled in our being from the Holy Spirit, which of course is the Love of God from His divine Nature.
    However, the "rewards" of the lost are determined by those who haven't received the Holy Spirit, and are less or more "darkness".
    Most people were taught that Genesis 1 is the formation of our earth. It is, in a reactive sense, however, it's action is the restoration of the spiritual earth when it was "lost" in the darkness from the fallen illusionary world that you are attempting to describe. When God "created" the greater and lesser light, it wasn't the sun and the moon, it was the two planes mentioned above. So again, what you are describing is the illusionary world of the spiritual realm, which is the fallen part from the past. What we need to do in our life, is pass from this self conciousness of this false life, into the restorative one God has restored through Christ. Hop aboard and you will see what I mean.

    Quote FF: "Hop aboard"

    Been there, done that, burned the t-shirt. Your religion only takes you to the lower heaven. I want to go beyond that heaven and I will because I acknowledge the true God and do not limit myself to the followings of a book that the some negative mortal men had a hand in creating. Now, I am done arguing with you here. This is a thread about a woman's grief not about who's right and who's wrong. I will not however allow anyone to take away her hope that she WILL see her son again if she asks to see him.

    For some reason your comments aren't getting highlighted in my notifications.
    I have no religion. I have been born again, which is the main purpose of being "planted" on this fallen earth. If you would ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth in the Bible, I am sure you wouldn't think that way. I agree that this isn't the place to exchange our perspectives. The difference is, I totally understand what you are attempting to describe. What I am attempting to explain is that it is from the fallen past existence, and is now ingrained in our Self conscious. It is all false and illusionary, and will eventually lead to destruction, again. So, keep up the good fight and DON'T SETTLE for anything less than to be born again in the spirit of TRUTH.

    The bible is a negative, created by negative minds following the influence of the negative ruler of this world. I denounce the words of negative beings. If you have Skype, I will gladly carry on this conversation with you there. I will only voice however, I limit my typing to only here as I do enough of it here.

    Sorry, wouldn't know Skype from Skip :) I would agree that some of the bible is negative, simply because God is describing how things became negative in His world, and shows us in this world, but also how he restored it. Maybe more glimpses in other threads? Got to run for now.
    I believe that the dead can visit us, (so yes he can see you.) Shortly after my stepfather died, he visited my mom, and she actually spoke with him. My mother used to say that she felt the presence of her mother or father at times.

    I think God allows the ones that have passed who love us, to visit us, especially when we need them, or are thinking of them. I'm not saying this out of scriptural proof, only out of my experience in life.

    I understand your loss and am so sorry that you have to go through this. I hope you will find peace in the thought that your son can see you and is in a much better place than down here. I hope this helps...


    My mom had the same experience after my grandmother's death.

    Yeah, when my mom tells the story it still gives me the chills. My sister used to say that our grand mother was visiting her at certain times. Maybe women are more in tune with this then us men?

    My mom also saw my grandmother leaving in her dream on the night she died. After the dream, she woke up with wonder, went to grandma's room and found her dead in peace.

    Wow, cool story, someone should make a movie about this subject. It would be interesting to see how many stories are out there about people who have been visited by our loved ones after they have passed.

    my guess is no or else how could there be total joy in heaven; perhaps this will help....

    You mean the boy is happier not to see people grieving for him and unhappy?


    That's really negative thinking. The boy will be allowed to comfort those he loves. It would be cruel to not allow him to do so. Wow, give your God more credit than the that. God understands love and knows the deceased need to have their goodbyes, even if you do not.
    I am so sorry that you lost your son .In the summer of 93, my mother who had Alzheimers picked off all the little green Tomatoes in my Garden and she put them in a big empty flowerpot next to my Backdoor. She passed away 6 month later. I planted my Tomatoes as usual in 94. One morning, as I went to water them, all the little green Tomatoes were gone. i found them in the same flowerpot as the summer before. She was trying to tell me that her spirit was still with me.It shook me to the core. This makes me believe that your sons spirit is with you and he can see and feel your pain.
    The effects this question has had on so very many of you warrants its revision and so here it is. Lets not change it. But lets look at as a learning experience of what not to say and what to say to those who come here for comfort and aid. We all suffer in loss and whatever gets us through such losses regardless our beliefs on the subject are best upheld rather than cast down and trampled in the decent of their value. Pearls to swine comes to mind considering you thumpers.
    All this talk about angels, souls, planes, visiting and being visited by dead people ( and dogs no less )... Oy Vey !!!

    Am I the only person on this platform that believes that once my ticker stops for good, it's game over ? Period.

    No wonder you're a selfish type person. You have nothing to believe in. I'm sorry. Life must be of very low value to you. Hmm, now I understand you.

    I'm still sorry you have no belief. Dogs are souls too. Why shouldn't they have a heaven? No point in only one life. You have no reason to attach when all just disappears anyway. Again, how sad. Selfish has nothing to do with my beliefs. You think of only your own sensitivities. No wonder you're so easily offended. Your world is about you because it's only one life and then *poof* gone. Death is your only credible and rational thing. Not much to hang on to. Everyone in your life is already nothing. Soulless shells. I'd be selfish too if I thought that way.
    no. .the dead know nothing

    You are wrong.

    The dead know just what they knew when they were alive.

    carmaxable, I know that is your opinion and you are free to express it... you helped on the last question I saw and I gave you a thumbs up... but do you think it might have been kinder to have moved to another question this time?
    I see dead people.

    But, do they see me?

    I had better ask them personally, or I will get every conceivable answer and opinion, as happened above...

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