    someone complained about the spelling on this site. true, there are some misspelled words but what does it matter? if someone is here and trying that's what counts? do you think we need to go to the dictionary?


    +4  Views: 673 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers

    Come on now itsmee. You've seen some of the atrocious spelling here. I'm sorry but I'm just not the kind to let stupid slide. Some of these are adults who you know had to have gone to school once apon a time. Really, do these people just not respect themselves? Do they think so little of themselves that they don't care they look ignorant? At least try a little. Some just don't try. It's embarrassing and shameful that in this day and age, with all the self help gadgets out there, computers included that people can be so bad at spelling even the simplest of words. One can tell a typo here and there from a total lack of education or trying. YES! IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE! Why should a person have to waste their time trying to decipher a question to help someone who doesn't even want to help themselves by being moderately educated. Sure, use a dictionary or spellcheck. I use both all the time. I see the little squiggly red line under a word telling me I've spelled it wrong, I right click on it, spell check gives me different words, I pick the one I want and done. Takes a second. Or I go to Takes 5 seconds. I have respect for myself and others. I don't want to look uneducated and I don't want to make someone's head hurt trying to figure out what I said. I give two excuses for bad spellers. Dyslexia and English as a second language. Even then, spellcheck works. I excuse random misspelled words as typos. I also edit and proof read most of what I post for inaccurate words and to make sure what I wrote makes sense. Takes about a minute. I don't always get it right and miss some mistakes but at least people can read what I write and not have to guess at what the words are.

    I agree with Colleen. There are many adults on the site who are too lazy or simply don't know how to spell. If you don't know how to spell, look in a dictionary. Everyone's gone to school or maybe not. They've skipped school and smoked pot and now they suffer from brain damage. It does happen.

    ay egreed wif culin :)

    Dang Colleen, I never knew about that "right click" on a misspelled word. TU to you.
    Ms Sinclair

    I agree too. Sometimes it's like trying to decipher some kind of alien (as in outer space) language.

    The solution to the spelling problem could be a test. Before you enter into the friendly group called akaQA, the people who wish to join could be tested on their spelling. If their spelling is bad, out they go.
    I'd be safe. I'd probably get in.
    However, if there was a math section of the test, I'd not make it and would forever be on the outside looking in.
    I'd never make it on the punctuation part either.
    I've been trying that right click and it doesn't work for me.
    Since April, I've only run into one question where the spelling was so bad I didn't understand it. The word in question was "suite"

    Why throw them out? Why not just help to educate them? Offer spell check or the correct spelling. Those who feel that spelling doesn't matter can stay out of it and not interfere with others trying to bring a person up and make them more literate. Is that such a bad thing? To make people more literate?

    If you are a bad speller, you're not going to notice misspelled words as much. I'm not an idiot, I can decipher most misspelled words but when you get 10 or 20 of them in a run on sentence and used out of context too boot, it can make your head hurt trying to understand what they are saying. Spelling matters as does a good education.
    Get the Google toolbar. It has a built in spell checker.
    nop.i is goud.... me cahn wrot lik uz can reede.... Just kidding babe... I am the worst spelling on this site... and I cant type to boot... I try not to critisize... no one is perfect.. and I am here for the conversation not to grade anyones work... lots of love

    No you certainly ARE NOT the worst speller on this site, Jenn...not even close!
    It's not so much spelling.Like so many I have never been trained in typing & that's where most of my mistaqkes come from.
    Ms Sinclair

    Neither have I. I was ill when I was supposed to take typing class in school. I usually re-check my answers before I post them though or edit them afterward if I miss something. I don't see why others can't do the same.

    I guess so.But doe's it really matter as long as we get the general idea.No offence,but frankly I have better things to do than spell check everthing i type.
    I don't have a problem with's just that sometimes it makes it a little challenging to understand what they are trying to say. Then I just this what you mean?

    Writing, spelling, grammar AND the thought, are all one package as far as I'm concerned.  If English is your second language or you have some kind of learning disability, then that is a different matter and understandable.  Most people do not have either of those and come up with the excuses...."Oh, does it really matter"?   Why should anyone care about spelling and grammar"?

    Yes it DOES matter and YES people should care!  Have some personal pride and do your best not your least.  For sure, anyone can take the time to re-read their answer before they post!

    Spell-check people, spell-check. It's on every computer.

    What's more important the spelling or it's  contence..?so what if someone can't spell.lot's of brillaiant minds flunked basic grammer including me..





    never late to learn!

    Spelling matters if you can not understand what they are saying. This can cause a person to misread the questions intent and then they provide an incorrect answer.

    I know a guy who is brilliant. He has a Ph.D. and writes book. I could beat him in any spelling bee. TU for you, daren.
    The contence show the brillaiant minds.

    I agree with Tommyh, as long as the content can be understood I'm not really concerned about the spelling, it took me ages, and I might add a tip from Colleen to realize you could check spelling on a right click, however it still looks incorrect to me as we spell a lot of things differently here in Aus.

    Best content could be ruined by bad spelling and bad grammar.

    No perfection, just some effort... 

    I was taught in schoule that spelin ws bery inporent sew i thin ah the body shod lern to spel reel god. Jst Sain

    Yes. If people on this site don't even know how to spell certain words and they don't know their meanings, then they should go to a dictionary and if they can't find the word and its meaning, then you try to look.

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