    Who here has major health problem and what?

    We can pray for each other or at least send good thoughts.

    +2  Views: 1538 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    Thought I might start you off:
    Kidney Transplant
    Heart Bypass
    Toe removal / Left
    Vascular Leg Bypass
    Left Cataract
    Toe removal / Right
    Right Cataract
    Angioplasty Stent
    Kidney Stone removed
    Remove Left Kidney
    Gall Bladder Removed

    This is a list of my surgeries, have had several more things that didn't require surgery.
    But God has been good to me.

    My goodness! Randy, you're a mess LOL!! Heck, even I am gunna pray for you!!

    Joking aside, you've been through a lot, you must have lots of perseverance. Bless you my friend!!! :)
    Headless Man

    The amazing thing is I'm doing great now but if someday I'm not here to comment don't worry.
    Had right lung removed at age 17, was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Got caught in the middle of a shootout and took two shots to the chest.
    Headless Man

    Wow, you're lucky to be here, has it held you back any?
    ed shank

    Never. I can outperform any one my age then and now. Even with the pack of cigarettes a day (I know it's crazy but I like smoking). I regret not being able to go into the service, but maybe it was a blessing. I was a pallbearer at way to many a funeral for friends that never made it back from Nam.
    I consider myself lucky (Legally blind, bilaterally hearing impaired, multi-encounters kidney stone, heart/ triple bypass, loss part right lung "cancer") but, I worry more about my children, ( daughter age 9 blind left eye losing sight right eye from "retinitis pigmentosa") and 11 yr. old son thats already had more surgeries than most an multiple more to go due to "Diastrophic Dysplasia" a rare form of dwarfism (little person) has severe orthopedic condition, was able to walk until his last surgery. He tries his best at everything an he is intelligent but kids being kids tease him, he likes a girl but is to shy to tell her and then comes his dreams/desires Sports" he's always asking "Daddy if, I start walking again can, I play football",if, ONLY, he could would make him so, PROUD!!! SO< SEE< I AM LUCKY!!! But, I'd trade it all if, my children were.
    Headless Man

    Will include you in my prayers. It's harder to watch than to go through things.

    You are a lucky one too! My boss has 'sticklers disease' He was actually the poster child for this disease in the 50's. It was passed down to his daughter and grand son.. Amazing though, he has had many surgeries to straighten his spine, he's about 4'6" tall and a very big man is he too for going through what he did, he's had hip replacements, eye surgery, i can't go through them all here but he was in a wheelchair most of his life, his determination and faith he now walks without support.. He was telling me that if his spine was straight, he would be 6 feet tall, then he would kick my ass!! LOL, I told him that he's already kicked my ass in his perseverance and willpower.. I am convinced by him and other stories here that these things can be overcome, those that want to be well will be well, they may be missing some parts but regardless, they are here and well..
    You forgot. Head removal. lol If you had your right arm removed how would you carry your head. If you used the remaining arm then how would you scratch your head. When you reflect on all this you will feel so Blessed. Now that was fun.
    Headless Man

    LOL Yes, your right God has been good to me He left me some arms and half a brain.

    Seems you lost your Thumb as

    LOL...thats a good one friendindeed.

    Thanks Mom. I think Randy needs a body transplant.
    @Randy Palmer & @ed shank - Both of you guys are a testimony.

    Randy you bring tears to my eyes to see how much you have been through. You are almost like a walking medical bible, and it shows that you are truly a child of God. You are an example to others that God is real.

    TU to both of you!!!
    Headless Man

    Thanks, Pam
    In 2007 both kidneys stopped working.. I worked for 3 days with this and didn't know it, no energy.. went to emergency urgent care, they didn't know what it was then one smart one like Dr. House walked in and said we are going to look at your kidneys.. he came back next day and said both had stopped working, I was in the hospital for a week and they started back up again, no procedures, they just went back to work.. nobody knows why.. weird..

    Nothing to some of these other reads here though..
    Headless Man

    I know what you felt like not sick just no strength, good way to die.
    I had a stone that blocked my transplant a few years back.
    ed shank

    My hats off to both of you guys, I've only got a lung missing. God bless you both.

    Oh, I'm back to normal, both my kidneys started up again, there is no medical reason for my recovery, they don't have reason for the shutdown either.. I had the top Renal specialist from Stanford Medical center trying his best to explain what he did not know.. LOL.. I'm ok now.. Very strange.. But also very scary because this could happen again, I just wish I knew what caused it so i don't do that again, it almost killed me..

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