    What makes a man sexy?

    Is it his face? His wallet? His clothes? His mannerisms?

    +1  Views: 2683 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: men attraction

    13 Answers

    His demeanor, his sense of humor, self-confidence along with a touch of humility. Money does not make a man sexy.

    Money is not sexy! good manners and good hygiene, deffinately a man that dresses well and takes care of his body. And thoughtfull and knowledgeable in the bedroom... Thats sexy

    In many cases, apparently being inappropiate for you makes guys absolutely sexy and attractive. ;)

    its everything

    A mustache

    Someone creative ( musicians, artists, etc.), intelligent, and attractive works for me.


    Good physical condition, height, intelligence, sense of humor,
    kindness, work.


    The above answer would make him too tired to be sexy. Try a sexy woman makes a man sexy

    by looking like my boyfriend. :)

    Nice lips, and an intriguing smell.

    Nice suite and Tie and all natural African American!

    the condition of his body.........Fat is not sexy, thin is not sexy, you must be well conditioned but not over bilt and a flat mid section.

    *A nice suite and tie and all natural African American!*

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