4 Answers
Unfortunately we as girls are over thinkers. We tend to take every little detail and asses the why and how of everything creating more issues than necessary.Don't take boys so seriously and let them think that your not really so gaga over them. It stirs the innate built in hunter inside. Stop waiting by the phone all night for his call, go out and be with your friends. Don't go to every beck and call he wants, make your life yours!Trust me, it gets boring as a hunter to open the door and have the prey sitting waiting for you on the door mat.Stop worrying about his odd ways, we will never figure them out nor will they ever get us either.Give him little pieces of who you are but if you feed him the whole cake , he will get sick of it.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
The boys with half a brain do it to keep the girl interested... It works every time (yourself and the answers are perfect examples, and (again, those with half a brain) have learned the hard way and over and over again, that girls complain about being ignored, but they secretly love it. Give a girl the attention she wants and she will drop you faster than a hot potato. Just ask her - she will have to admit that she has gotten rid of a ton of guys who paid a lot of attention to them and were "too nice." Most guys learn sooner or later that to give a girl what she wants or even hint at kissing her ass is the kiss of death.
So, girls get what they deserve - even though they will complain about the opposite. They really do want the opposite of what they say, so guys, ignore them as much as possible. Learn this well and you will never get rid of them. They are wired to love it.
So, girls get what they deserve - even though they will complain about the opposite. They really do want the opposite of what they say, so guys, ignore them as much as possible. Learn this well and you will never get rid of them. They are wired to love it.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
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