
    I AM proud i was learning eng.myself ...that help me to talk with a whole word ...why ppl are so angry in here.i am myself and if i will be ashamed to speak or write ,,anyway'' i will not use 2 words please be happy everybody i need to make contakt with all ppl in this planet.that woman not answer my question but she was angry i am polish ...i can only tell u are a s ..b..;-)

    +5  Views: 770 Answers: 16 Posted: 13 years ago

    You do need to talk to people Adrianna and this site is a good place. If somebody sounds angry please take no notice. Lots of us will help you to learn English, and tell anyone who is unkind to leave you alone. You are our friend.

    Your doing fine. I flunked SPANISH in the 7th grade. :(

    16 Answers

    Who cares where you are from. Do not feel, bad some of the English speaking people on this site cannot write English. Go for it.
    If you are of another country and don't do the english language well we understand and welcome you here. Just say it on your question, because we get americans that can't use it or spell it correctly, we will jump them.

    thx i will say that every time befoure i ask the question i am polish and i love so much englisch so i leam my self and i need ppl to talk to me in eng...anyway tell me please how many mistakes i was making now?
    Headless Man

    English is hard, so many excepted terms that I can't keep up and I was born in the US and am 63 now. The way I would have said your comment above would have been like this:

    Thanks, I will say that every time now that I ask a question. I am Polish and I really love English. I have learned it myself. I need people to talk to in English. Now tell me, please, how many mistakes have I made now.

    The short cuts are fine online. Punctuation and spelling are hard to get.

    You're spelling was great, I use spell check a lot.

    thx a lot where is the link to your check speller?
    Headless Man

    My spell check came with my browser "Safari".

    thx i will try to open that link right now now is downlouding

    hey agine ...can you tell me how to change my avatar?
    Headless Man

    Go to your profile at the top of this page on the right click on it and click on gavatar below your current gavatar and it will take you to where you can do that, sometimes it takes a wile to show up.
    I have been married to two different ladies that came here from a non-English speaking country. They spoke good English but sometimes they wouldn't pronounce a word correctly and I would have difficulty understanding them. I always figured that until I could speak two languages, I had no authority to criticize.
    Good for you, Andrianna!
    Adrianna, check with your local school district. some have special courses of ESL (English as a second language) They should be able to help you learn slowly and properly. There is one exception, if the instructor is a foreign born, there can be a problem with proper pronunciation. This happened to my cousins from Armenia. I would also get a phonetic dictionary which pronounces the words for you and helps you pronounce so others will understand you. You did well in your quest for help. GOOD LUCK.

    thank you ...but look i was reading that and i think now .i was learning eng.only cose i want and talk with ppl,so my all the way the same as ppl making conversation with me all that time . i am sorry that is complicate but i hope so you understand what i mean if not be free to ask .btw thx for answer and have a nice day;-)
    Hello Adrianna

    How are you getting on?
    Adrianna, we do tell you that you are welcome.

    I can understand most of what you say already.

    I am stuck with FEETERT and HOENS. Type the letters again.

    i like that ,say hallo from me to
    Hens are birds that lay eggs for people to eat.
    I have four hens, three Isa Browns and one white leghorn, she is very pretty.
    Thumbs up to you Adrianna for tackling the english language!!

    thank you Monky -Adrianna
    OK I will correct your comment for you.

    Thanks. I try to watch as much as possible in English... movies etc. I listen to songs in English. But yes, I must go back to other programmes.

    Adrienne, children's programmes use simple language so you will learn faster.

    Do not worry about spelling PROGRAMME as PROGRAM. Both are correct but programme is UK English and program is US Englsh.

    Nice new pic!
    I agree children's books are a great way to learn a new works for children!

    ninnet has just thought of an idea.


    It will help you to understand more English.

    THX I TRY TO WATCH all what is possible in englisch,songs,movies and ect.but yes mayby i mast go back to other programs;-)
    u have 4 hens whats that?

    Female chickens Keep going, you are doin fine.
    i had 8 feetert but i have no idea what means hoens...can u explane to me as to a child what is it?
    thank u...but some ppl tell me to write that i am polish and my eng. are bad..i think tht come from ppl on this side ,mayby they was thinking i am from US.Have a nice day egplant-u like egs? what animals are u planting?;-)

    You might be right, there are so many people for the U.S. that get on this site and can't spell or form a complete sentence. I'm sure if people know that you're native tongue isn't English, they will be more understanding.

    Like everyone else has mentioned, "don't let it bother you," some people are just a little up tight.
    ...i try to learn languages now i know 4 ovcourse togather with polish,i think u very open man cose u can understand other ppl from other countrys,thx a lot...tell me something cose i am vey intresting about that,q;is is better i write with mistakes or do nothing and feel bad about that..i allways prefer first...u?

    Adrianna: Possibly you could go to the site I have listed below for help in translating your words.

    Adrianna: Ewentualnie można przejść do serwisu mam wymienione poniżej o pomoc w tłumaczeniu słowa.|en

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