    is there any way to turn your white polyester clothing that gets dingy after washing back white?

    0  Views: 259 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    If not maybe you can order on-line. The name if the company is RIT they make dyes and such. Perhaps you could google and see if able to order on-line it works great.
    Yes there is a product that I have found that works well for instances such as that. Look in the Rit Dye section at Wal-mart they have a pkg. same packaging that little box that the Rit Dye comes in and it is called whitener/brightener. What I try to do is wait until I have several white items to make a wash load. You fill your washer up with hot water pour the entire box in and your regular washing liquid (which by the way I have found that Wisk Power Stain Buster Washing liquid is really good. You let the water agitate to mix all this up then add the clothing and run it through the wash cycle as usual. I have found this product to work really well. Hope this helps.

    I'm hoping that product is available in the UK. I shall look in Asda.

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