    Wine bottle

    Whats the name of the indentation on the bottom of a wine bottle?

    0  Views: 712 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: manshan

    5 Answers

    <a href="/users/7589/manshan/">@Manshan</a>, it's who made the bottle, I like easy questions.

    Headless Man

    Would you believe:This is not completely true, but there is actually quite a bit of truth to it.
    Although, I've found that the punt depth is actually more of a representation of how much pride the producers take in what they've created. A winemaker who grows his own grapes, harvests them and then takes his creation all the way to bottle will most likely be more proud of what he eventually bottles. He will want to put it in a nice package (deeper punt) which is a reflection of that pride.

    Headless Man

    A large scale negociant who buys mass quantities of finished juice and only bottles and markets the product will be more likely to put the juice in a cheap bottle (less punt depth) so he can sell it quickly. He's more concerned with business issues like cash flow.

    I understand

    Dave19, I'm new here,what kind of questions should I be asking? I thought this was a general knowledge and fun type site. Maybe I'm a little out of my league here. I'd better quit before I get slammed aswell.

    Sorry genius. My intention was to get a simple answer to a simple question. What's the big deal. Why do you care if I have a limited vocabulary? A simple punt would have worked nicely.


    Ease up Dave, no one asked you to read or answer Manshan's questions. It's annoying when people like you bring your Negative Nancy attitudes on here. Get over it and stop being fatuous ... please :)


    Wasn't implying you were homosexual at all actually. It would be just like calling you "Downer Debbie". I can change it to Negative Nick if you'd like.

    What in the hell does fatuous mean?


    It ia deflatuationarory rule of mine when on makes up a word on the internet, is is sulusiatory that it be followed by a hupersynthical meaining allowing the undereducated to fagulate or strimucate a valutorioized visitude from the inoculative remencorpation of the constitutionalization heriticall and gractionlation of the forecationized wordization.


    Speak English Shadow, LOL

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