    What can you do to help you sleep ?

    I often have trouble sleeping at night, some nights I might only have 2 or 3 hrs sleep. I dont want to take sleeping tablets and have tried reading books, warm milk, bath and all those sort of things but nothing seems to work. Any suggestions ?

    0  Views: 1626 Answers: 19 Posted: 13 years ago
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    Negative energy keeps you awake. Before you sleep, put yourself in a trance, you can listen to relaxing music if ou like.. "RELAXING" music, meditational music. Eliminate ALL tension in muscles, become heavy like a rock, and light as a feather. Feel the magnetic pulses in your tense muscles.. keep sinking deeper and deeper. When you are fully relaxed, then try sleeping. Meditation also helps, unblocking those chakras =]

    19 Answers

    1. Get your mind used to the idea that bed is for sleeping. Don't watch TV, read during the day, have breakfast or anything else in bed except for sex & sleep. Go to bed only when you feel tired.

    2. If you have something on your mind - write it down so you can get back to it tomorrow. Not writing down can keep your mind busy just because you're afraid of forgetting.

    3. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

    4. Avoid taking naps during the day or waking up too late.

    5. Don't drink caffeine after 2pm.

    6. Make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet. If you can't make it quiet enough you can turn on something that makes "white noise" like a fan (you can point it to the other way)

    7. Hide your clock. Keeping track of the time while awake will only get you nervous that you're not falling asleep.

    8. Don't try to "force" yourself into falling asleep. If you're not falling asleep, do something relaxing until you feel tired.

    9. Exercise during the day, but don't exercise right before going to bed, because your adrenaline levels would be too high.

    10. Get sunlight into the room when you wake up - helps your inner clock get set properly.

    In any case consulting with a doctor can only be helpful.


    Thank you brian I was having the same concerns.... I have been trying all of these things and it works. But it is work. I slipped today and took a nap.


    all the stuff you just said was what i was going to do :|

    psyco mum

    wow great suggestions. why go to the doctor when we have you. Mandy may not be the only one you help :)

    try counting to one hundred,or doing easy math problems in your could also try reading a book.*


    Tried counting backwards from a thousand and got bord at 800 and got up. Also worrie about keeping my boyfriend awake so I wont read in bed when it gets to late. Anyway Im off to bed now. Thanks for your suggestions

    It is commonly used in sleep aids
    If you have allergy's from the CHEMTRAILS or pollen and dust.

    Try calculating the power of 2: 1,2,4,8,16,32,64....
    I never got past 32,768 before falling asleep.

    Negative energy keeps you awake. Before you sleep, put yourself in a trance, you can listen to relaxing music if ou like.. "RELAXING" music, meditational music. Eliminate ALL tension in muscles, become heavy like a rock, and light as a feather. Feel the magnetic pulses in your tense muscles.. keep sinking deeper and deeper. When you are fully relaxed, then try sleeping. Meditation also helps, unblocking those chakras =]

    Have a glass of warm milk and a banana. Set your alarm clock as you will sleep like a log

    Have a good night's sex. You can't beat it for relaxation afterward

    Well the first thing to remember is no one died through lackof sleep. Worrying about not sleeping is usually the cause of not sleeping

    I've tried all that too. Didn't work. You will fall asleep when Your body needs it.

    1. a hot cup of milk

    2. NO caffeine after 8pm

    3. a hot shower

    4. a massage

    5. a boring movie :D LOL

    6. reading a book :p

    Ask God to please put you to sleep, then clear your mind; Each time a thought comes in, do not pursue it, and soon God will gently put you to sleep.

    You may have a sleeping disorder, like sleep apnea. Try sleeping with a fan on you, if you find this helps.. you might want to check into the apnea thing. See your doctor...

    you have to be careful of melatonin. If you have fibromyalgia you are not to take it. I usually listen to a relaxation cd, keep my bedroom cooler than the rest of the house, and if I cant fall asleep with in 30-45 min i get up for a little while and do something repetitive or boring. Some times I take St Johns wort but use caution because it is a drug just a natural one. You can overdose on some herbs too.

    buy over the counter melatonin and get a routine melatonin is a natural substance our body creates on its own but sometimes either we don't get enough or we for any amount of reasons it gets thrown off but take this at bedtime one half hour before and take it at the same time and go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time consistently for about 10 days and it will retrain your brain for sleep I have to do this everyonce in awhile and it works!!


    Think I might try the melatonin. I know when I get into a routine I do sleep better but you cant always stick to it. Life is busy. Thanks

    Try not to sleep.
    Talk to yourselve: I DO NOT WANT TO SLEEP. I do not get TIRED so soon.
    I tell my kind every day: Come on... dont tell me, that you are getting TIRED NOW!!
    I seldem have the problem anymore... to much work with and because of the kid.
    So: at first, get something to do (like cleaning up) and then tell yourselve, that you dont want to get tired...
    and dont tell me you have nothing to clean up... lol...
    get your sneakers and run a few blocks!
    Regards, Andrea

    Ditto what Brian said. Also L-tryptophan helps to relax your body naturally for sleep and to stay in the deep sleep cycle.

    Sorry i don't have any answer because i can't sleep too

    I dont have any answer because i can't sleep too


    :( Sucks hey

    Thanks for your help guys. Ill give it a go!

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