    can u bleave in true love ??????????????????????????

    0  Views: 2134 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: love believe

    5 Answers

    Its always true love at the beginning. Love gets stronger with time. Always thought that was a crock of s*it but its true.


    A few days ago I felt like cracking my wife over the head with a shovel and burying her in the back yard.....but I didn't. Must be that LOVE thing.

    That or the probable life sentence I would get. :(

    true love is just a reflection of your self , when you are truly at peace with your self you auto maticly attract the best person to your self , it is the innate qualities that resonate and create 'true love'---its worked for me for the last 27 years

    Yes, and when I`m in peace and love with me, the world surrounding me ist paradise.
    No fear, no doubt only to be. It is our heritage to be love! Soon for all ..


    It exist only TRUE LOVE!!!! Our shadows show us the way.
    And if the shadow
    s full of light than we live in TRUE LOVE.
    We know that....

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