    Dual Citizenship

    Does US laws allows you to have a dual citizenship(to be a US citizen at same time to be a citizen of foreign country) ????
    please let me know if anybody know anything about it.

    +1  Views: 1129 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: citizenship

    If u are born in the USA u only have one citizenship.But if u married some body around the world and that country laws said that you must be a citizen then u have two citizenship. Remember: the country u are born, u never loose that citizenship.The most u can have is up to three citizenship.

    2 Answers

    I have many friends that are naturalized US citizens and also kept citizenship in their "home" country. I do not know if US citizens can get a dual citizenship in a "foreign" country. It may depend on which country.


    Thanks thats help

    According to all the Israelis running this country (USA) ...yes, it's not a problem.


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