    if one do not have a master's degree or is not a rocket scientist are some to say that jesus cannot save them also?I think (i know he can) and teach those who seek knowledge as well!

    0  Views: 518 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    GOD can save anybody GOD can take any human being and save them it doesnt matter what they have done he will forgive u
    The God of Abraham and His Son Jesus look into the heart - not the academic degree(s) one may earn. Please, do not ever overlook that only a few of Jesus' closest disciples were men of letters [schooling]. In fact, one of the giants of the church was a fisherman. That man was Peter who became the founding pillar of catholicism and all things Christian.

    Anyone who seeks knowledge can obtain knowledge by attending school, studying literature on their own, and leaning from others. And most certainly, will gain wisdom from our Father God if seeking and asking God for understanding.

    Last, I find it frustrating and sad that some people may be intimidated by not having advanced education. Education is a tool, and certainly helpul, but should never/ever become a road block to salvation. Salvation through Jesus is for ALL mankind - eduated and uneducated!

    Thank you for sharing. I think you have said it all.Once again thank you for commenting.
    if you believe in God and get saved your soul will be saved. all you have to do is ask god to forgive you for all you have done wrong and truley believe in what you say ask and the door will be open ,seek and ye shall find. knock on god's heart and he will save you.

    Thank you for the wisdom and for commenting.
    "Education is a tool, and certainly helpul, but should never/ever become a road block to salvation. Salvation through Jesus is for ALL mankind - eduated and uneducated! "

    This right here has said so much about thumpers. Thank you for the enlightenment. You couldn't have said it any better.

    You do realize God put you here to LIVE and LEARN, right?

    I thought not.
    So is there a question here or is this amateur sermon hour?
    He can not get you a degree however and he can not make you smarter. That's all on you.

    the bible does encourage me to be wise in his word and action,however you are right that is all on me! thank you for commenting.

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