    space heaters

    what is the best energy saving heater to buy and heats the best and larger area

    +1  Views: 1573 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: help

    2 Answers

    The best I have ever found and I would have to say it would be where you could have a propane tank instead of natural gas because natural gas is very very high indeed. The best and most economical heaters I have ever found are the ventless gas heaters. Especially the ones that work off propane. Because at least with propane gas you can get your propane gas tank filled up when they usually have a sale on their gas in usually July or August. They heat exceptionally well. You can buy the ones with the bricks or the blue flame. The blue flame ones I understand burn a little more gas than the others but I feel much safer with the blue flame ones. You do not have to pay a bill each month on these you purchase them and have them installed. Best if you can buy your own propane tank but if you cannot they do not cost that much to lease per year. I think when I had mine my lease on my tank was $37 per year. The only thing with leasing a tank versus buying one of your own and I would suggest at least a 250 gal one or even better a 500 gal one, is that if you own your own tank, you are then able to shop around for propane gas prices and are not tied down to the one you are leasing the tank from . Hope this helps they work great and heat very very well and economically. I would not however bother getting one with a blower as it is very noisy nor a thermostat. I had the one you could turn on low, med or high. Worked great.
    I purchased a propane vent-less wall mounted heater because of the power failures we experienced after moving into our home. The unit worked so well and so cheap we now use it as our primary heat. I have three one hundred pound tanks and they last me approx. five weeks per tank. I heat an area of about 2300 SQ/FT but I also have 17 foot ceilings so the unit has to heat a very large area. I do take the tanks away and have them refilled which is a pain in the ass, but they cost $95.00 Each to fill. They get me through most of the winter.

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