2 Answers
Could it be you are pregnant for the first time? and wonder why your breasts are getting bigger? It is not the pills it is a normal bodily reaction to becoming pregnant. This info from a 7 times father.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Hmmm, never saw it that way...this is why I love this sight...we all see things in different perspectives
Thanks for thumbs up. The first indication of my wives ,I had children by two, (no silly not at the same time) was a firming and enlargement of the breasts. Cheers
No..they are vitamins...why do you need bigger breasts? I would think by the sound of your question you are young so basically they will come with puberty.It's not breasts that make you attractive, it's the person you are inside. I have met people that look so beautiful and seem to have it all but once their mouth opens...they are uglier than ever. In the end a guy wants a girl he can take home and introduce to his family, not a big pair of boobs.besides that...later in life(and not that much later) they begin to sag and when you lie on your back they fall down into your armpits. Even worst when you get a little older they droop and stretch looking long and tubular. Be happy with being smaller and perky.I bet your beautiful just the way you are.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
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