    there is an e-mail going out that says, "here is your picture of osama bin Laden shot dead." do NOT open this e-mail, it is a virus. did you know?

    +3  Views: 2222 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers

    he's still causing caos from the grave,guess those 72 virgins turnes out to be virises
    the source of the above is The View on tv
    Thanks for the info. first time I heard about it. 72 virgins with std's, lol.
    Yes, it's all over facebook too.
    Thanks for the warning, I'm not on Facebook so I rely on the kindness of strangers.
    Yes. The warning has gone out, but it does not hurt to repeat it!

    yup, i just saw it and it stood my hair on end

    no ,I did not know ,thank you so much,I have not seen it so hopefully it is gone ,but still be careful,.

    no ,I did not know ,thank you so much,I have not seen it so hopefully it is gone ,but still be careful,besides what a terrible thing to say!!

    no ,I did not know ,thank you so much,I have not seen it so hopefully it is gone ,but still be careful,besides what a terrible thing to say!!

    no ,I did not know ,thank you so much,I have not seen it so hopefully it is gone ,but still be careful,besides what a terrible thing to say!!

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