15 Answers
I don't have a clue as to where you live, "brave" is it? Not so brave when you hide behind a computer screen trying to be all honky skin head racist and such but I am a white woman and I can say, I've seen some incredibly beautiful black women. You're ugly in personality. That's worse because one can't even put a bag over your head to hide the ugly.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
It's really a stupid question, showing the ignorance of the author. I think that many people find the people of their same race more attractive. If you're white you find white's more attractive, if your black you find more blacks attractive.
I'm not saying that you can't find someone of another race attractive, but in general, especially when your young you find people of the same race attractive. Maybe it's because of how segregated the neighborhoods are in the us. The girl next door is usually a common expression of the girl you had a crush on.
I've noticed as I've gotten older and wiser, I find all women of any race attractive. But, when I was younger I definitely had a favorite type of girl I liked. I don't know if anyone else agrees with this, but let me know...
I'm not saying that you can't find someone of another race attractive, but in general, especially when your young you find people of the same race attractive. Maybe it's because of how segregated the neighborhoods are in the us. The girl next door is usually a common expression of the girl you had a crush on.
I've noticed as I've gotten older and wiser, I find all women of any race attractive. But, when I was younger I definitely had a favorite type of girl I liked. I don't know if anyone else agrees with this, but let me know...
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Bulletman, come to London with me and I will show you the most breath takingly beautiful black women you have ever seen or wish to see. They from Jamacica West Indies and are gorgeous. They dress with the style and panache seldom seen their ability to wear clothes, not just put the clothes on, sets them apart from all other women I have seen.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Mate they will blow you away, maybe not literaly, but then you never know your luck in a big city. I will be making my third trip to London in a couple of months and these women are the genuine drop dead gorgeous, For the ladies there are some not real shabby black blokes over there also. They also "wear" clothes and wear gold measured in pounds not ounces.
I find many black women attractive, and just like every race, some are down right UGLY.
I was in Sydney Australia when I was 16 back in '71 and an Aborigine woman walked into an elevator with us. The woman was FRIGHTNINGLY UGLY.
She looked like an CHIMP/APE with a dress on.
I was in Sydney Australia when I was 16 back in '71 and an Aborigine woman walked into an elevator with us. The woman was FRIGHTNINGLY UGLY.
She looked like an CHIMP/APE with a dress on.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
I heard of a USA coloured man who was out here in OZ on business. It was told to me that when he saw the natives in Darwin Northern Territory for the first time he asked who they were. When he was told they were our natives he is alleged to have said " Man I am goen ta sey what you aren`t allowed ta sey, you got the damned mos ugliest niggers I eva seen.
Racism was previously based on POWER & later on brain washed alot of people who,unfortunately,based it on their arrogance & immaturity & benefited nothing like you my brother/Sister(Am not saying racism was good).Be of good courage & face reality if you are as brave as your name.The Stupidest thing one can do is to merely laugh at the fact that God only used the different color of dust to create white & Black people.All you are simply saying is your dust is better than mine.Find something better to do with your life before life catches up with you
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
I think your question is offensive!
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
I agree the original question could be quite offensive to some people. We are not all glorious beasts but I believe in free speech as long as it is not downright rude and uncalled for. Obviously brave has not seen the beauty others have and I feel sorry that he hasn`t.
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