    Why is it that if I am in a pool for 30 min I burn... But if I am just outside working I dont?

    I was wearing the same thing... Even if I am try to tan... Which I dont very often... I dont burn I just sweat. Why is being in the pool different?

    +2  Views: 394 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    the water in the pool magnifies the sun's rays so you will sunburn lot faster, standing in ankle deep water you will get the same result as the rays will be deflected off surface of the water the same as snow reflects the sun rays resulting in sunburn.

    bulletman is right.....the sun is magnified through the water

    In the pool you are flat to the sun so the sun gets a good bite at you. Wen you are working you are standing or moving around and the sun is not fixed on you
    In the pool you are flat to the sun so the sun gets a good bite at you. Wen you are working you are standing or moving around and the sun is not fixed on you

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