20 Answers
YES, you may thank our troops as we all do but, BUSH DIDN'T do anything. OBAMA GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT< THANK YOU ALSO PRESIDENT OBAMA!!
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
If Obahma got in the way by saying "no" like he wanted to, he would have had to resign when the public found out he let Bin Laden go. All he did was not get in the way...the truth will be made public given time. This capture came from itel collected at Guantanamo thanks to Bush & Cheney and "water boarding."
You want to know about lies that Bush told? How about WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. Where were they? And what did Sadaam have to do with 9/11? Nothing! And did it ever occur to you that greedy, fat cat oil companies may be hoarding the oil so that suckers with gas guzzling cars will have to pay through the nose for the privilege of driving those behemoths?
Ms Sinclair
Ms Sinclair
Ms Sinclair
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Iraq is still it's own nation with it's own politics and it's own leaders. Why did Obama say osama was killed Sunday when he was really killed last week? All presidents lie. We do not have control of mid east oil fields.
If Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 then why did we invade them? And while it's true that all presidents lie, some lies are more costly (in terms of the loss of human lives) than others. I'm not saying that Obama's perfect. I disagree with a number of things that he has done but I believe that GWB was much worse.
We were chasing terrorists they were harboring. I don't believe Obama is a natural born citizen but that's beside the point. Obama has accomplished what in his 2 1/2 years in office? I'd say he's right on par with Bush. He likes getting us into wars too and keeping us in them. Didn't he say when he got elected all our troops would be home in 6-10 months or something like that? He promised we'd be out of Libya within 2 weeks of going there.
Oh not THAT again. What does Obama have to do to prove to you people that he is a U.S. citizen? And what terrorists are you talking about? For your information, Saddam and al qaeda hated each other. You can find a lot more of their supporters in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan yet we didn't see fit to invade either of those two countries. Why?
He can never prove it. His time for proving has long since past. He had 2 1/2 years to have a long form created for him. Why does he have a social security number that was created in CT when none of his family ever lived there? When he never lived there? Two enemies with one common purpose can get together long enough to see their goals achieved. Do you know for sure they never got together?
He shouldn't have to prove it in the first place. Do you really think that anyone who is not a citizen of this country would be allowed to run for president? Don't you realize that there is a screening process that goes on by the F.B.I. and other agencies before you can even run for that office? Plus, don't you think the Republicans would have jumped all over him if they found proof that he wasn't a citizen BEFORE the election? As for Iraq, exactly what goals are you referring to? Saddam was an ally of the U.S. It would not have been in his interest to antagonize this country. Besides, you didn't answer my question about Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
Even if, GWB ran again your vote maybe the only one he'd get. Everytime, I use the sh*thouse, I say GOODBYE TO GWB!!!
This site is full of uneducated low class blue collar people, in other words majority of REPUBLICANS.
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
I am a Republican, I am educated, I have class and I find you a disgusting jerk that has a serious insecurity problem and a whiner. It's idiots like you that are totally ruining this wonderful country.. I wish the lot of you would pack up and leave us Americans alone.. You badmouth the Blue Collar workers, and they are what built this country up before your kind of phoney elitist tried to take it over. I won't call you a democrat, that is too good for you, I know great democrats.
Osama is dead.. I think we should move on to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad! Then hit the oil companies and their investors (speculators) and get our money back.
Ms Sinclair
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Get our money back sounds good; from the banks, Fannie Mae, and everyone who walked away from their morgages they should never have been given, causing this foreclosure crisis. It's a closed system...anytime someone gets something for nothing somebody else looses. Imagine a world filled with Acountability.
Do you honestly believe that GWB wouldn't have bailed out the banks, Fannie Mae, etc. if he had been given another term?
@ Clinton The only thing BUSH/CHENEY did was get us into two wars an for what Afhgan then OBAMAS watch took out Objective and Iraq still has their OIL and now someone else has to take BUSH's criticism and bring our troops home and dig the USA out of debt.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
It's funny that back when all this started, the liberals were holding signs.. "no blood for oil'.. After we (bush) didn't take the oil, senator Kennedy (rip) got all pissed off and said, 'how come we don't take the oil?? We lost lives and freed the Iraqi from the horrors of Saddam.. We should take it". Funny how things get twisted. We lost 3 soldiers in Iraq because their Humvee ran out of gas, about a 1/2 a block away was a filling station, they were given orders not to even fill up at an Iraqi gas station, while they waited for a tow/or fuel delivery, they were killed. At the time, Iraqi gas was selling for about 6 cents, we paid BP to bring in the fuel for our machines at a cost of $1.60..
dad59- Now you're trashing Former President Clinton as well."Obamas Watch" is so true because that's all he has done is "watch." His wife will explain it all to him when she has time. lol
JDB. Yes, uneducated blue collar. And he's probably right because your sentence should be - "And you think you're educated?" Why don't you prove his point?, not "your educated." And please don't try to tell us it was on purpose.
What a moronic question. Bush hasn't been president for two and a half years and there are videos of him saying that he was no longer interested in capturing Bin Laden. Also, he defunded the efforts to do so. Yes, thank the troops and the intelligence angencies and then get your head out of your butt.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
What gives you the idea that Bush is responsible for the death of bin Laden???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
I think there's the strong scent of sarcasm in the question-- I don't think any president should take pleasure in claiming victory when its the highly trained soldiers that do the work. A president can order it this is not the same as doing it. If I remember, Clinton could have had him twice, one time they had OBL in their sights. The victory goes to the families of those lost to this fly infested whackjob. The military and finally The American people. Obama and GWB can claim their fame with the rest of us Americans. It's our victory, one for the infidels..
Colleen, Please read my #1 reason!
Ms Sinclair
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Ahhh, "in hopes of"...in other words, conjecture. Same ol, same ol.
Well I guess the conjecture was wrong since we don't have their oil.
Did I pick the wrong #1?...Yes, WMD's....well he got intel there were WMD's. We went to check it out. They wouldn't let us. We went to war. Didn't find any, OK/ Our bad. Keep your oil, we came for WMD's you have either moved elsewhere or didn't really have. The end. They still have their oil.
Well I guess the conjecture was wrong since we don't have their oil.
Did I pick the wrong #1?...Yes, WMD's....well he got intel there were WMD's. We went to check it out. They wouldn't let us. We went to war. Didn't find any, OK/ Our bad. Keep your oil, we came for WMD's you have either moved elsewhere or didn't really have. The end. They still have their oil.
There were European inspectors that looked all over Iraq for WMD's prior to the U.S.'s invasion and they didn't find any.
TSC, where are all these WMD that IRAQ THE #1 REASON supposedly had even Powell and others stated wasn't true that's the reason Powell and others left ofc. And GB'S DEMISE WAS BORN!!! The real reasons GB goes to IRAQ (1) IN HOPES OF MAKING A NAME FOR HIMSELF AND BE REWARDED WITH OIL (2) HIS DADDY SCREWED-UP WHEN THE USA LIBERATED KUWAIT AND ASKED GEORGE JR TO REDEEM THE BUSH NAME> Now you talk about his 2 term well how many others also did 2 terms anddidn't LEAVE A DISGRACE LIKE OLE GEORGEY PORGEY!!! NO, PRES. OBAMA may not be the best but he definitely isn't the WORST LIKE GWB with his daddy holding tightly to 2nd worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
The name couldn't have been too badly damaged since Jebb was a governor and GW became president twice. I don't really think the name needed much redeeming at all. Again, just wild conjecture.
The name couldn't have been too badly damaged since Jebb was a governor and GW became president twice. I don't really think the name needed much redeeming at all. Again, just wild conjecture.
But, FLA. got rid of JEB after helping fix GWB'S votes and GWB only won because of electoral votes not by the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE and if, you watched CNN last night (5/4, even the Muslims despise GWB as bad as most AMERICANS even made reference to GWB being like OBL!!
Yes, Kerry and Gore lost to GWB, but how many families lost LOVED ONES TO GWB, because of LIES!! IRAQ didn't have to do with 9/11, hmm!
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Where's the oil that he supposedly went over to get? Why are gas prices over $3 a gallon and still rising? Why is home heating oil over $3.50 per gallon? WHERE'S THE OIL????????????
@ clinton NO one is trashing Former PRES. Clinton. I, just believe the American people were so hungry and desperate that scraped the bottom of the barrel an dugout BUSH as PRESIDENT, We need to put either BILL OR HILLARY CLINTON in ofc. or maybe the REPUBLICANS can talk DAFFY OR DONALD DUCK, GOOFY OR ELMER FUDD to be their candidate.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Lies? What lies? Oh that's right, Bush only went to war in Iraq to help his oil buddies and Cheney only wanted to make money on his Halliburton stocks. ZZZZZZZZZZ
All old and worn out Democratic talking points to help demean the office and help one of their own get elected in 2008.
TWO TERMS. That's what GWB served TWO TERMS by beating US MILITARY bashing liberals that AMERICA didn't want any where NEAR the White House.
Then a Knight in Shining Armor comes in to make "CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE" and "YES WE CAN" bumper sticker promises, gets elected and shoves his health care that no one wants and the nation CAN'T AFFORD down our throats.
Obama will go the way of Jimmy (no balls) Carter......ONE TERM.
All old and worn out Democratic talking points to help demean the office and help one of their own get elected in 2008.
TWO TERMS. That's what GWB served TWO TERMS by beating US MILITARY bashing liberals that AMERICA didn't want any where NEAR the White House.
Then a Knight in Shining Armor comes in to make "CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE" and "YES WE CAN" bumper sticker promises, gets elected and shoves his health care that no one wants and the nation CAN'T AFFORD down our throats.
Obama will go the way of Jimmy (no balls) Carter......ONE TERM.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
BUSH got us into two wars because of 9-11.
Democrats won't give him any credit because they hate the guy.
I for one thank God GWB had the sack to do something after 9-11.
Democrats would still be debating the issue because the war funding would cut into the entitlement programs that keeps their voter base intact.
Democrats won't give him any credit because they hate the guy.
I for one thank God GWB had the sack to do something after 9-11.
Democrats would still be debating the issue because the war funding would cut into the entitlement programs that keeps their voter base intact.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
and what's to like about Bush? @ wars and a screwed up economy and a deficit of trillions from a plus in the treasury of billions.. the damn wars have cut into the value of the US dollar. we're even lower than the Canadian and Australian dollars. put the blame where it belongs. B U S H
IRAQ had nothing to do with 9-11 remember it was WMD that mysteriously in thin air vanished and as far as funding programs go all GWB/REPUBLICANS want to do is line theirs and the rich peoples pockets!!!
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