
    I can not have artificial sweeteners. Is ther a toothpaste with FLORIDE that has NO sweeteners?

    +1  Views: 2703 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: health

    6 Answers

    Arm and Hammer makes a line of natural toothpaste, some with peroxide, baking soda, but I'm not 100% sure if there is anything artificial in them, or you could check whole foods out.

    I use the Tom's products too and find them very effective, although I don't think they contain floride. Can you get treatments for floride directly from your dentist? I live in an area that only gets well water and when my children were growing up they always received treatments from the dentist. Hopefully, you can also!

    All of the floride treatment are flavored. I spoke to the dentist today.... LOL his sales rep is looking for a peppermint flavored floride.. It is the most likly to not contain sweeteners. Thanks!
    I can't see how this is a problem since you don't swallow while you brush! Anyway - baking Soda is always a good substitute for toothpaste, and you'll not want to swallow any of that!

    The artifitial sweetener is absorbed directly into my gums. I have used baking soda for years.. but now I am getting cavities and erosion due to lack of floride... Bert's Bees and Toms of Maine have an all natural line I have been using... Thanks for the advice.

    I've had plenty of cavities since I was little and I always used fluoride toothpaste. They have put flouride in toothpaste since the 50s. My brother didn't brush his teeth as much as I did when we were kids, and he has excellent teeth now and he's 70 !

    Nature's Gate Natural Toothpaste with Fluoride Wintergreen Gel -- 5 oz

    • Naturally freshens breath
    • No artificial colors
    • No artificial sweeteners
    • Gel formulation for extra-gentleness



    Did you know that fluoride is rat poison?

    yup but. . I would like to keep my teeth.

    Baking Soda does not have floride. (Thanks for taking the time to help)I am on well water so I havent any there either.


    try brushing with hydrogen peroxide. You could dilute it a little . Or, brush with fluoride mouth wash .

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