    Are you at peace?

    If you were to go tomorrow are you satisfied with the timing? Are you content with where you are? Are there too many things left undone? Are you pleased with yourself?

    +3  Views: 840 Answers: 7 Posted: 6 years ago

    7 Answers

    I am pleased with myself and if i had to go thur the pearly gates tomorrow, i can say that i have had a wonderful life. i think it mainly due to my mother, because she was always so kind to her 8 children and taught us how to have fun and get educated and how to treat others. most of the kids in my family that i had a hand in raising are successful. that makes me very happy and thrilled. I've always been a creative person since i was 4 or 5 years old. at 5 or six i drew pictures for the kids in kindergarten. i organized and put on shows in the big back yard in st. louis, mo. i tried to learn all the musical instruments my mother could afford. for some reason when i hit about 14 i wanted to be a writer. i wrote speeches in junior and gave some at assemblies.  i still draw and i help college students write papers and help people write letters who are dealing with various issues like, legal things and social security etc. i wrote a column in 5 papers for about 5 years. i did a little cartoon strip  at a college for a year.  and i'm still discovering and creating things. my favorite thing is talking to people. every day i tend to meet somebody new. my sister says "you and mom (my mother), will talk to anybody. in 5 minutes you know their whole life story." that is true, because to me all people are fascinating and each of us has a fascinating story to tell.  this week i discovered a quote Albert Einstein said, "Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid." i hope i don't die yet, i need about 20 more years to complete my little projects.

    ....yes, but not perfect

    I think of things now in terms of having limited years left. I spend at least a few days of each month looking at items and asking myself, "Who, other than myself, would want this or be interested in it"? When the answer is "No one", out it goes. What I am 'adjusting to' these days, is the loss or sickness of friends, acquaintances and former co-workers.    :((

    terryfossil 1

    The older we get Duck,the less importance is put on material things,,sign of getting old i guess..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I guess. I'd still like to be rich for a few weeks though. lol

    As "The Time" grows closer for me This is something that's on my mind every day. "What hasn't been done?" I'm satisfied that I am leaving Maggie in a good position.We own everything we have and she will have enough money to live very comfortably for the rest of her life.It saddens me that I won't see my grand daughters grow up,but at least I know that they will be well looked after.But yes,I am happy with myself,my life,my achievements not to mention the three incredible women that my wife & I brought into this world and had the pleasure of raising.As Ned Kelly said just before they hung him."Such is Life".


    Oh, Tommy, I thought about you when I wrote the question and almost didn't post it. But I remembered your mesothelioma statement and thought it safe. I'm so glad for your attitude and hope if only I could do it, too. Your are lucky for the forewarning, planning and all that but I don't think of you having the ultimate sentence. They're doing all kinds of things now days, miracles really. I think you've accepted the inevitable but I doubt it's done deal yet. I'm way over here but I know Australia is as advanced as we are. You're a good man.....

    I think of you often Tommy and I'm always happy to see a comment from you. You seem to be one of the "good guys" and hilariously funny besides. No words can express.....

    Thanks guys.Your comments mean a lot to me.

    You haven't been to NY, have you? I'd love to meet you and Maggie!

    I would love to meet you too Clonge,but unfortunatey NY is not on the agenda.All travel is off the agenda now.

    I am content with the knowledge that the 70 plus years we might or might not get on earth,is nothing compared to the eternity in the after life..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    terryfossil 1

    Roy..???? actually counted the amount of left and right arrows that i put there,,now give me the scientific reason i put them there,,:):):):)..

    Thought it was a big hug or maybe energy.
    My interpretation.
    Nothing "scientific" about your answer mate.
    terryfossil 1




    I can tell. Lately, you often seem angry and discontented. :(

    I am referring to my Christian faith, and that I would like a deeper relationship with Christ before I die.

    Guess my instincts were off.

    For the moment, yes.<!--StartFragment-->Image result for kim jung un missile launch 2016<!--EndFragment-->


    no joke.

    The kook is nothing to laugh at but I have the feeling you're half way serious...

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