    I've been told that if you pour salt on the dead fly on your window sill if will come back to life....

    I picked up two dead plants from the grocery store (dirt cheap, no pun intended) and potted them and watered as if there was hope and they are flourishing. What have you ever brought back to life?

    +3  Views: 1248 Answers: 6 Posted: 6 years ago

    6 Answers

    I poured salt on lifeless ants and watched them seemingly come back to life.

    I brought Roy back to life when he met me. :)



    How roYmantic!

    Pat yourself on the back-you're worth it! And I know he won't argue....

    I bought a hanging plant this spring that looked as though it might not make it. I trimmed back some of the dead spots, watered it, told it that I loved it and now it is flourishing.


    country bumpkin

    It would not have survived without you letting it know how much you loved it. :))
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Duck,are those plants Trumpet Vine ????,,if it is ,could make you very sick..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Can't remember the name but not trumpet vine....never even heard of that. Purchased at my grocery store garden center....don't think it's very likely that they would sell plants that make people sick. relationship with God


    You mean there was a time when you didn't have one?

    ....true, when I realized I was just going through the motions
    ....God was always there for me but, I was selfishly for me too

    Plants, mostly, and a few worthwhile friendships...and a goldfish

    I heard that if you "pour salt on an open wound" it just gets worse.

    terryfossil 1

    Washing a wound with salt water is a very good thing,,swimming in the ocean heals a lot of cuts and scratches..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

     a couple times, I brought my little tetras back to life again. One was swimming on his side, and I picked him up and squeezed him a little to administer CPR and after that , he was fine. I did something like that to another  different tetra and it worked too. I think it was after I came back from a trip and I found that my friend,Ron, had put ssoo much fish food in the water that it was totally cloudy and they were dying.

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