    Any vegans on the board?

    My daughter has recently adopted a vegan diet after being a vegetarian since an infant. She is looking rather thin; is this normal as I am a bit worried?

    +4  Views: 1483 Answers: 3 Posted: 7 years ago

    3 Answers

    I know a little about vegans but not enough to voice opinion. That is except that she shouldn't be so thin. She's not eating enough vegan food and that's unhealthy. She NEEDS calories for functioning, energy, thinking.... I'm stretching it a bit here, are you sure it's not a disorder? She needs family for sure, keep supporting her and maybe suggest that she may need help. I'd like to be vegan for about two weeks for my own health....

    Sorry mate.i am a dyed in the wool red steak Aussie man..>>>>>>>><<<<<<>.Image result for red steak photos

    Vegan fare tends to be lower calories, so if she is not consuming enough calories, it may result in weight loss. Vegans are not identifiable by size

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