    I believe my car(1994) Cadillac Is brain dead! I am having big time trouble finding some one to figure it out! Any suggestions?

    Auto trouble!

    +4  Views: 877 Answers: 8 Posted: 6 years ago

    I have found a shop that "says" they can try to figure it out so Monday I'm taking my sweet car I will let you know what happens! Thanks for everyone's help!

    10 days ago you posted your announcement, how'd it go? Did they find the problem? I hope it wasn't too $$$$$. Let us know....

    Still waiting! The mechanic said have patience

    8 Answers

    Have you tried any of the Cadillac forums? The forums seem to have a lot of answers to many different car problems.


    Yes but the mechanic sites want money to tell you any thing!

    I thought the forums were just various car owners answering a variety of questions, no? They don't say they are mechanics.

    I can read several answers to questions right here, for example.

    Thanks Ducky!

    You're welcome. I hope it helps you Mechaniclu! lol

    ....have you tried your local dealer ?


    The nearest Cadillac dealer is too far away!

    Clu, I love Cadillac's too. I use to have one years ago when I was about 22. it was used and I think it had a wiring problem. I bought it from a downtown dealership in San Francisco. They had all these great luxury cars plus this one. you would have thought they would have let me know about this car's problem. well what happen, it would just turn off when it got ready. I was coming down a hill on Connecticut Street, in San Francisco and the car lost all power and cut off. Well here I am driving a big blue four door car with no steering power, no brakes, no nothing, down a relatively steep hill. Oh boy where is God. Well luckily when I got to the bottom, there were no cars and the ground was flat. the car stopped.  that's one reason I believe in God today. The last time I saw the blue Cadillac I was driving near that same area, because that's where I lived. The car stopped on the side of a road and would not start.  I said goodbye to the car and never saw it again. I have another sad car story, but won't tell it now. oh maybe I will. My brother in law had given me a navy blue 4 door car. I think it was a dodge. it stopped on highway 101. somebody picked me up. when I got back to the car, it looked like someone had beat it with a bat. it got towed and I got my things out of the car and said goodbye. I've had a little better luck with cars since then.



    Ducky . . . no kidding on the yikes x2.

    A few years ago I asked a question about a car's computer system problem. One of the regulars on this site told me that removing both battery cables and touching them together will sometimes reset the car's computer. It didn't solve my problem but it's something you could try.

    terryfossil 1

    Flip.???you should never do that,you run the risk of spiking your computer,it would be very much the same as a lightening bolt hitting it..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<...

    @ Terryfossil 1: I went to my profile to search my questions to see which member gave me that information but found that all my questions and answers are not available. I do know it was a regular but not sure who. You do realize my answer said to remove both cables from the battery, right??
    terryfossil 1

    Sorry Flip,i misread removing BOTH cables,my apology,however i still do not see how a negative and positive dead cables could change an electronic computer,,however i have been wrong once already today..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    @terryfossil 1: For some reason my questions and answers are now available. See "Any car mechanics here that wish to give their expertise?". Note the answers by daren1 and also ed shank (a race car driver who probably knows more than most of us about cars). Have a great day.

    @Flip....There was a glitch in the aka system and it has since been repaired.

    I was going to request symptoms but you finally gave some up there. Electrical, huh? Check your fuses though why they'd keep your defroster on is beyond me. Sounds like a computer problem and I don't have a fix for that. Computers are always causing problems. Sorry.....

    You might try to contact the auto repair instructor at the nearest high school or community college. 

    Do you have a rough idea of what is wrong with it Clu,Mechanical,electrical,..??????..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    like ........what are the symptoms ?

    Symptoms are== traction disabled, anti lock, windshield defrost on , locks go up and down, mileage and inside outside temp gauges blank. Can't turn the defrosters off! It's for sure electronic! My mechanic says his computer can't communicate with my car! Who can? I googled it! Can't seem to find any car whisperers out there? Any ideas?
    terryfossil 1

    Yeah Clu,i would say brain dead,,if he cannot talk to it with his computer there is not much you can do ,except get a new computer..>>>>>>>><<<<<<..

    or a new car

    maybe it's battery dead..........not brain dead 



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