    Do you believe in climate change?

    I'm the lone liberal here. Of course I do.....

    +6  Views: 1047 Answers: 10 Posted: 6 years ago

    10 Answers

    I don't believe that party affiliation has anything to do with a person's opinion about climate change. Listen to scientists. For every 10 who say it is a fact and a very serious issue caused by man, you'll find 10 who say that that is ridiculous. The planet has been going through these changes for hundreds of years and it is a natural occurrence. I really don't think it will affect my life nor the lives of several generations who follow and I'm not a scientist, so I can't even imagine who is right.

    terryfossil 1

    I am impressed Quacker,your a lady who thinks like me,or i am a man who thinks like a lady,,you being the older,i guess i followed you..:):):)..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Older and wiser? :)
    terryfossil 1

    Do not the grey cells deteriorate with age,Oh great wiser and older one..??????>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..:):):):):):)

    Wrong question JH,the question should be, "is man causing climate change",my answer is NO,is the earth heating up?YES,and has been heating and cooling since the beginning of time,and by the way being liberal,labour.or democratic has nothing to do with a belief or non belief in climate change by man or not by man..the ozone gets more damage done to it by,volcanoes,the ocean,and bush fires.and none of those are man made,some of the bush fires are man made,but most are from lightening from storms..however i believe the world is split 50/50 on climate change,mainly because the way they ask the question on climate change,is the wrong question..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Hear hear!!!!
    terryfossil 1

    TU/ O great KOTF..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Right on.

    right- - - it's a cyclicalble thing.

    ....opinion : God is in charge, not man


    Ben, that's what I think too.

    I do think that man has caused some climate change! Everything we do to mother earth is revealed. Take care


    When they were talking about a climate change, in 2014, we had one of the snowiest, coldest winters in Mich. ever ! However, this past winter,  ( 2016--2017) , I really enjoyed the mild winter. So, if that's climate change, bring it on ! 

    I don't know the reason for it, but the seas keep rising, and the polar ice cap is melting. Where is all that water supposed to go? Here's a response to the actual effect:


    Great article though it doesn't necessarily answer my question. You may have solved my vacation query like where to go? Thanks

    JH: I DO!

    You do what?

    JH: If I was asked if I take you to be my wife, that's what I'd say! Seriously, "I do" means that I believe in climate change.

    I cannot repeat my NY trip. I must choose a different location. Now if you're brave enough to face the heat here (ten days of 110+ in a row) I might considerate the proposal....

    You're a lot hotter than 110...even in the shade! Sorry, 110 is my limit. You're making me melt as I type this!


    terryfossil 1

    Tab????,the scientists cannot find full agreement,how can you be so sure.??????..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Terry, b/c there may be warmer winters where tabber is at.

    sorry terryfossil1, most scientist have agreed that human activity has accelerated climate change. most scientist do agree on this theory, that's why I am so sure.

    Oh the ice is melting in the arctic. Well millions of years ago the earth warmed and there was little or no ice then. Grass flourished along with animals. The earth will warm and cool as it ages. Certainly humans pollute the air with internal combustion engines. From what i hear the ozone layer has almost closed the hole up, because of global warming. Here is one little fact, the ice is melting because of increased volcanic activity in the ocean floor heating the water. Global cooling is far worse, that was the concern not long ago. Carbon Dioxide increases due to more human and animal population. Plants need CO2 and thrive better with it. I laughed the other day when i heard some liberal stating he was not eating meat anymore because the damage cows do to the earth. He gave a list of plants he eats. What he didnt know was the high estrogen levels those plants had. You dont ever here about estrogen levels in plants do you. What that affects. 


    I take it you are not a believer? Don't hold back!
    terryfossil 1

    Spot on the money Zorro,there are more of us out there than people know..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    And then there are some of us with a lick of sense....
    terryfossil 1

    On the money JH,but it aint common sense..and without that the world don't go round..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Climate change should be based on fact, not political affiliations! 

    I'm skeptical of the theories, both pro and con.

    The saintly Donald Trump does not believe in anthropogenic climate change so that should be good enough for the rest of the human race.



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