    Got any good plans for this weekend, or next weekend or any good one in the near future?

    +8  Views: 1036 Answers: 7 Posted: 6 years ago

    7 Answers

    We ordered a lot of neat things from Amazon. Making ribs, and twice baked potato salad on Sunday. Plan to do some spring cleaning. Fingers crossed that ROMOS/Roy will have a new job next week so we can celebrate in Edinburgh.

    I'll do a lot of watering, weeding, xplanting, and encouraging. That's this and most weekends. I'm planning a vacation eventually. Just need to know what and where. Anybody have any ideas?

    Take the dog and the Moderator up the hills...

    country bumpkin

    This isn;t a Jack & Jill story. LOL

    I hope this isn't a case of "what happens in the hills, stays in the hills"! :))
    terryfossil 1

    How did you go with your job mate,if you have not already gone there,all the best with it..>>>>>>>><<<<<<..
    terryfossil 1

    Which moderator mate..???:):):):):)..>>>>>>>><<<<<<,.,

    Still waiting for a start Terry, soon hopefully.
    There's only one moderator for me, in fact, I think she's the only one left.

    You should write a book R. "Me and My Mod". It has a nice ring to it, don't you think? lol
    terryfossil 1

    Well Roy,if your into moderators and there is only one left,it kinda cuts down the field dont it..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Don't forget to take your bagpipes with you.

    ....walking at the park, breakfast with some old fossils, tennis, church and naps

    terryfossil 1

    I will have breakfast with you Benny,but you can keep the naps..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Yes, there's nothing like a Sunday nap .

    Leaving on a jet plane for a Mediterranean cruise very soon!

    terryfossil 1

    Looks like we will not be ships passing in the night Bob,i am back in Aussie tomorrow,it has been a long 2 months,looking forward to getting home..enjoy your cruise my friend..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Thanks, Terry!
    I'll be leaving for Barcelona in 6 hours. Driving to San Francisco now.

    Have a great time Bob, safe journey.

    Thank you, Sunny! Got home last night. Had a great time and look forward to travelling again ssoon. It's a big world!
    terryfossil 1

    You will have to look at going for more than a coupla weeks Bob,,good to see you are back safe and sound,,>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Thanks, Terry! It was time to come home!
    terryfossil 1

    Nothing beats home Bob..I am disappointed with Qantas,they used to play." I still call Australia home"as they were landing,they dropped the song after they teamed up with Emirates..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    That's too bad. Delta had no US welcome.

    Fly out of Singapore 25-5-2017,heading back to Aussie happily..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    First, we are going casinoing in Mt. PLeasant, Mich. The next day, we are going to a wedding at a Christian camp near Big Rapids, Mich. The night before, the parents are putting on a big rehearsal dinner for everyone in the Holiday Inn Hotel.

     Yesterday, on Sunday, my g. friend had a back yard party and the food was really great . She had live entertainment too.

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