    How did your sibling(s) treat you when you were growing up ? Did you get along ?


    +4  Views: 844 Answers: 6 Posted: 7 years ago

    6 Answers

    I was the youngest of five, they were all good to me, giving me treats now and again. But, they never spoilt me, they taught me to respect others, they took me along to church on Sundays, taught me the difference between  right and wrong.

    terryfossil 1

    Guess you were a good learner Sunny..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I was an only child, my Father died when I was young, my Mother worked hard, I was unspoiled but loved, good times!


    great answer ! When my dad was 6mos old, his father died :-( That was their only baby .His mother did get married again, but never had another child. sister treated me fine and still does


    you are blessed

    ....obviously, she is blessed

    I guess i am gonna be the square peg in the round hole,our mother dropped us off in a picture theatre and forget to come back,sister 2,brother 4,me 6,cops took us away to a home and sister was fostered out to a different home than me and brother,,we all grew up apart and things kinda stayed that way,in the end we felt it better to live our own lives..lot more to the story but i will not bore you guys with it,besides there is always someone with a worse off story..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Thanks for sharing your sad story! I am very sad to hear this Bless you terry!

    that's sad, Terry
    terryfossil 1

    60 years of water under the bridge guys,,but you end up with a thick skin,although the older i get the softer the skin gets,not sure if i like that..and it is not that sad,i think we are all still alive,except the mother..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Sorry to hear of your sad story Terry, seems to me you turned out a descent human being in spite of that.
    terryfossil 1

    Sunny my friend,that would depend on who you talked to..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Well since I've know you on here, I'm glad to call you a friend.
    terryfossil 1

    Thanks mate,and i you..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    country bumpkin

    I personally believe you are a good man Terry, just a little misunderstood by some people.
    terryfossil 1

    CB,those that misunderstand me on AKA,imagine what they would say if they got a peek at my dial..:):):)
    country bumpkin

    LOL...Terry, you are way to hard on yourself. I have seen your dial more than once and you are not the least bit ugly mate. Honestly.
    terryfossil 1

    CB..did you have your glasses on back then..???:):):):):)..
    country bumpkin

    Don't need them but to read. :)
    terryfossil 1

    No wat yo mean CB..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    No really fond memories. Oh, maybe with my little brother but the two siblings that passed left a bad taste in my mouth and the the older sister? Wants to rule the world. My little brother tries hard and I love him….

    Apparently, I was an awful older sister. But, at age 13, my parents' younger spawn began her defamation and slander revenge, now well into its 51st year. 


    sounds like my brother. Now he's got his wife doing it, or vice versa.

    I suppose we should pray for them.

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