    What kind of wild animals do you see in your neighborhood?

    +7  Views: 1233 Answers: 9 Posted: 7 years ago

    9 Answers







    All the friggin time...



    Almost forgot this lot...


    The little wild beings are Everywhere!



    He must be a cross bread cb, he has shorts on under his kilt.

    ....snakes, feral cats, fox, badgers, skunks, coyotes, antelope, an occasional deer, squirrel, bobcats, horned toads, lizards, rabbits, turtles


    Got the goggles on huh?

    You still see the horny toad on occasion? They were a favorite pet of mine in my childhood but industry and fire ants drove them out....

    Oh my, from smallest to biggest? Snakes, squirrels, possums, racoons and coyotes. Lots of feral cats.....

    squirrels, which I love, birds, a few cats, dogs usually with their masters.  they say some mountain lions in the hills, which I avoid. I believe it's true, because once I went on a picnic with some kids and counselors in a program.  the security was walking with us up some more hilly parts. he told us what to do and not do if we saw a lion. I told the kid I had brought we had to go back down because I could not save him or me if I saw a mountain lion that was not in a cage.

    To many different ones to name, But I guess the dangerous ones are the animal's that have rabies, or the coyotes. 


    Good thing about the UK, no rabies, never has been, very strict animal control here.

    Roy It's getting back up there. Things like distemper, rabies, use to be almost nonexistence, bit with Peta and other animal rights fighting hunters. Small game doesn't get hunted or traped like it use to. So more and more are out there, along with the old deceises. A few years ago Cathie got home to find the dog in a fight with a raccoon,,, the problem is the dog was tied up. The coon was mad, she shot him, called the fish and game, they said not much Thet could do. We looked Gizmo over and kept him tied up for a couple weeks to make sure he didn't go mad. I think that the people or groups that are totally against hunting don't realise that's how the population is controlled. You still have to buy a licence, and still are limited to what you are allow to get. I'm worried that this is only going to get worse.

    Freddy Fox, Cyril the Squirrel,  Billy badger, Roger the rabbit, Stoat, weasel, Geese, ducks, roe deer, mice, rats, a few snakes, sea gulls, birds. And not to forget Essex Girls, some of those are a bit wild.   

   all this, plus lots of things that can kill you :-)

    terryfossil 1

    Yeah.??????,give me 2 of the things that can kill you,and i will raise you 5..:):):):):)..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    This is some of them in my place,these are mostly good guys..check out the small video at the end..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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