    Who do you think won tonight's debate between Clinton and Trump? Comments?

    +7  Views: 1203 Answers: 12 Posted: 7 years ago

    That business about Miss Universe was taken out of context by HRC. News stories from the time quote him as supportive and encouraging. The woman gained 60 pounds! The father of her child is a drug lord, she was nearly charged with accessory to murder, threatened to kill a judge, had a career in graphic pornography. But she has her "passport", by golly, so she can vote!

    12 Answers

    Clinton attacked Trump personally and deflected his game successfully. She'd have been speechless if he'd pressed her about "share the wealth", her emails, and the uranium sale to Russia she brokered. He missed many opportunities. 

    The United States is not a democracy, by the way. It's a Republic. 

    i did not like either,but i believe Clinton is the biggest liar,however Trump said Clinton and Obama were the cause of Isis coming into play,,i would normally have said rubbish,but 2 nights ago i seen a doco on tv,,and it showed how obama and clinton allowed the beginnings of isis..i would not touch clinton with a 40 foot pole..>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I watched the entire debate. I would have hoped that every single American would have done the same but alas....didn't happen according to poles and to questions asked on the street. I find THAT very telling, and I wonder if those same people, with no apparent interest in actually "listening to politics", will complain after the election. Who won? Hillary!


    I know you don't get Fox News but O'Reilly has a segment called Water's World in which Waters goes out onto the street and "questions/interviews" people. It is amazing how uniformed so many people are about politics/history etc.

    I can understand that it may not normally be of much interest to some but with these two 'flawed' candidates, I would have to do an awful lot of listening in order to know which one deserves to be president of my country!

    I watch Waters world and yes.. there are so many people out there that I wonder how they put their shoes on the right feet. What the he**where they doing through 12 years give or take of school..

    Someone (comedian) went out on the street and asked people what they thought about the debate and the candidates , if the debate changed their minds, who they would vote for now that they've watched the two candidates, etc. They all gave their opinions. BUT....this was the night BEFORE the debate. It hadn't even happened yet!!! LOL!!!

    What's interesting is the considerable number of informed and objective people who would disagree with your victor choice. When someone is smirking, robotic, and condescending while another is empassioned and interacting with the audience.....
    Yes, HRC landed some low blows, but that just tells me she's a dirty street fighter. In my book, that's a loser in life.

    ....needed more specifics by both far, not convinced by either

    ....Trump was more combative

    ....Clinton seemed more prepared


    Clinton was offensive, putting Trump on the defense because he wasn't prepared to be hit below the belt repeatedly. That isn't combat.

    ....his arrogant attitude, rudeness and mouth make him combative
    ....(btw) I'm not a Hillary fan either

    He would have been smarter to turn the spotlight back onto her shortcomings. It's a basic ploy in therapy

    Yes, no excuse for letting her get the upper hand but his giant ego.

    I didn't see it all, but what I did see was Hillary insulting the Donald with every opportunity. 


    Funny, I didn't hear that but I'm not a donald fan at all. I was taken aback by his bad manners, interrupting and speaking well beyond his allotted time. He failed in the rules of debate. Holt should have used a cutoff switch.....

    SunnyB, I saw and heard the same things as you. The moderator did a poor job of keeping time of either. He avoided the hot topics that would have pressured HRC. Clinton was obnoxious and personal in her attacks. Her smirking and condescending attitude were offensive to me as an American. She's out of touch with real people who think with logic and have passion for America.
    She rode in on her broom and behaved like a witch, with a capital "B".

    It looks from here that when Donald Trumps speaks ,he speaks the language of the ordinary/real hard working people. Voters over here voted against the liberal elite in the recent referendum, who seem to think they have the monopoly ,as Clinton appears to. We changed things here by voting for what we believed in freedom, it looks like something similar is happening across the pond.

    Thank you for being objective. Hopefully, in his next debate, he'll be less sucked in to her cesspool.

    The debate showed who is the businessman and who is the long term politician. If you REALLY want a long term politician in the White House, guess we know who you'll vote for. Not Me! 

    i think trump had the bigger hands,,

    Did anybody catch the words by the moderator when Trump started talking about emails. The moderator immediately stopped Trump and said that topic was out of the agreed rules. What other rules favored Clinton? Benghazi was not discussed either.


    Yes I did, and a few others too. I though it was a very biased debate.. most of it focused on Trump, and not much if anything about Clinton.

    Whoa! I missed that. So, now we have rules to protect the hag from answering uncomfortable questions? All she has to do is keep pretending she doesn't remember. I would want to forget a publicly pathetic career and unfaithful husband, too.

    Oops....Trump was an unfaithful husband also....just sayin'. He seems to imply that her unfaithful husband is HER fault. That's probably why it was okay for him? HER fault. A person who is unfaithful can blame their own lack of morals, not put the blame on the partner.

    I wouldn't presume to condone anyone's infidelities, even if they were my own.
    Mrs. Clinton, for some reason, does.
    Ducky, has Mr. Trump blamed someone else for his marital infidelity, or do you have a spoon in the pot?


    Did Trump blame his wife for his unfaithfulness?

    By implication, yes. He is attacking Hillary re: Bill. SHE wasn't unfaithful, so what is his point?

    I heard none of that during the debate.

    Your mind is made up. Have you by any chance heard about his rant against a female journalist when he called her by THE most insulting word known to women? And, no, it doesn't matter WHEN it happened. He has a lifestyle pattern Bob. BTW, I wouldn't know who to vote for if I were American. I like neither.

    No, I missed that gem. Trump was not my choice for my party's candidate, but I abhor Hillary Clinton and feel her reign would be more corrupt than Trump's. I know too many alarming things about her, and she is a disgusting liar and thief.
    Trump is crude, without a doubt, and was blessed to have a wealthy father give him a start few could imagine. He needs to clean up his act, private sector doesn't work in the political circus. Poor choices, for sure

    As you are aware, I've watched hours of debates and listened ad nauseam to both candidates, before and after each. I hear what you're saying and I don't envy the decision that must soon be made. I just hope it is the right one, for all of our sakes.

    Me, too!

    Has anyone watched the video that shows the sneakiness going on at Hillary's podium by her team following the debate? They were certainly getting rid of something that was installed in her specially built podium.

    The video with that smarmy little mole she met in the parking garage who lurked around the podium and snatched the notes? What was that all about?

    No comment.

    terryfossil 1

    Safe answer Westy..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I laughed and laughed. I wonder how many boxes of Kleenex his fans will send him?

    terryfossil 1

    Why would anyone be bawling JH,neither one of them won the debate,,the only ones saying which one won are their own parties,,maybe they should ask people from outside the box who won.and why would you be laughing.???..whoever wins this is gonna run your country,i do not think that is a laughing matter,,however it is not my country..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I laughed at the foolishness of donny's lies. And his constant cocaine sounding sniffles he blamed on the microphone. He admitted he didn't win and he tried to blame it on something he personally tested. And no Ter, I don't care for either candidates but I see Hillary as more fit for such an office. He's a blamer who can't do wrong though he admitted, on national t.v. that he didn't pay taxes because he was smart. Who wants a thief in office ?
    terryfossil 1

    I watched a show on SBS a coupla nights back JH,it was called,"Obama.8 years of power".it was not a political motivated show,simply told the good and the bad of the 8 years of obama with real life interviews,,and some of the things obama and clinton were involved in were down right i would say vote for anybody BUT the show it showed how obama and clinton allowed isis to grow to where it is today..and i remember Trump saying something about that a month or so i would say no matter who you put in there,they could never be as bad as obama and clinton..i am not attacking you JH,simply telling you what i have for Donny's taxes,he was not illegal,he took the same advantages of the law that you and i would take,he simply has more money to do it with..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Oh, well.....

    You're right about that, Terry.

    I think it was a toss up, but Hillary scored what might have been  a knock out punch, when she said Trump got sued more than once for not hiring enough blacks.


    That's true, the think that still turns my crank, was almost 30 years ago. I put in for a job in the motor pool as a small engine mechanic. I had been doing that for 4 years. I didn't get the job. The next time I went it to the motor pool I asked the Sargent who got it and why I didn't , since he originally said I was a shoe in. He just looked at me and said I wasn't black enough. That's fine didn't matter to me until I had to show the new guy how to take a spare tire off a duce & a half. Then I was pi$$ed

    JDB, It hasn't changed. Quotas and all that crap instead of hiring on experience, ability, and merit. I think any federal job is rampant with discrimination

    Bob, quotas are alive and well in Canada too....makes me ill. All things being equal, the non-white will get the job and yes, I've actually witnessed it. This person never stays on the job more than 6-8 months and always because she is being 'picked on' at work, because of her skin color. (She is hard to get along with and can barely speak English.) Ugh.

    That issue was resolved out of court more than 40 years ago. Whoever thinks that is the final nail in the coffin is blind in one eye and can't see out of the other, deaf in one ear and can't hear out of the other.
    Trump, foolishly, didn't come back with the factual account of HRC successfully defending a child molesting rapist and laughing about it.

    TRUMP won , because he was wearing a USA flag pin on his jacket, Hillary was not. You all didn't catch that either , did you.

    country bumpkin

    I noticed. :)

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