    Is everyone going to watch the great debate this Monday at 9pm EST ? It should be the most fiery, entertaining debate in a long time. Wear your coveralls, b/c there's going to be a lot of mud slung

    +8  Views: 929 Answers: 9 Posted: 7 years ago
    country bumpkin

    MCM's comment moved here to where it belongs.
    well, the consensus is that you will be watching. And kudos to the ones who will have to watch it at 11pm or 2am. It will be the highest watched presidential debate since Nixon/ Kennedy. And it will have the highest ratings since Tiny Tim got married on Johnny Carson in 1970. He married Miss Vicky

    I think Carter/Reagan ranks 2nd.....

    9 Answers

    LOL.... I think it will be very entertaining! We may have to watch it.

    Most definitely! I'm planning to make popcorn.     :)


    My hair is much nicer. :)

    is she popular in Canada too ?

    I'm watching no matter how it may bore any other person around. I don't believe that donny has the experience needed AND Hillary is lacking umps. I don't usually pay attention to this sort of thing but you can bet your bottom dollar I will be on this like stink on flies......

    terryfossil 1

    Huh JH,don't you mean flies on stink..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Play on words, honey
    terryfossil 1

    We will be watching it in 5 minutes time JH,,11.00am Aussie time..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Hillary is lacking umpires ? The umpires that referee their debate ?

    I'm hosting a watching party at my place and will likely take a day off work the next day to recover.        



    You'll be hoarse from cheering for the 'winner'?

    ....let's get ready to ruuuumble !

    I do not know if they are going to show it in Aussie,but if they do,i will watch it.i have always wanted to see a "non political,non lawyer"run a country..i reckon he would have a more people understanding..hey i could be wrong,either way i reckon Clinton will be spruiking more dung and lies than the other guy,and when it comes to lies,Clinton learnt from the best,her hubby..<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>.. 


    They've just come out with a statistic based on Trump's conversations/speeches. He tells a lie every three minutes!
    terryfossil 1

    I wonder what Clinton's stats would be..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I hope you aren't using "Fact checker", which has a penchant for twisting things like a pretzel.

    I like to listen mainly to the actual, real, spoken words of political candidates. When I see a real, live, audio tape of a person speaking real audible words and then they say, "I didn't say that", I get an impression of that person. It's called "liar"! I realize that many politicians, in many situations, do not tell the truth but sometimes, some seem proud to lie or even act like they don't remember or care. Pathetic.

    Winners, every one of them. And who are the

    Exactly! And not just Americans. Your elections affect many countries around the world....especially those of us who are "attached". :(

    Exactly. I cringe when I hear a politician talk about America being a world leader. We stopped being a good steward of our abundance in January, 2009.
    terryfossil 1

    Very true Duck,"attached",is a problem,When the American banking crisis hit a lot of countries went down due to being attached,Australia is was also attached,but we had "Apria",a watchdog over the banks,so even though we were hurt,not as bad as other countries..i believe a lesson should have been learnt there,be attached to other countries but by a very thin silken when a country sneezes the ripples do not go far..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I wont stay up to watch it , as it will be 11pm here, I'll catch up tomorrow morning. I think it will be good entertainment.


    2AM mate, time to record.

    I will!

    I did .....  and I also watched the beginning of the football game between Atlanta Falcons and New Orleans Saints. It was refreshing to see all the players stand in respect of the national anthem and then all join hands afterwards. Kudos to both teams.

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