    Cheating Brits!

    Why do the English, Welsh, Scots and both Irish each represent their countries individually in major soccer competitions such as the World Cup and Euros but gang up together during the Olympics under the "Great Britain" banner. 

    Could be that pooling their limited talent is their only hope of willing a couple of Bronze medals. 

    Maybe the Americans and Mexicans ought to team up with mighty Canada and mop up all medals. 

    +6  Views: 965 Answers: 4 Posted: 7 years ago

    4 Answers

    Ha ha, we don't do too bad as individual countries in the Commonwealth games either, we pull together when we're up against the rest of the World, common sense really.

    GO Team GB!!!!!


    Pfft. Only sport GB can compete in is darts and tiddly winks.

    Go Team Canada! I wish we had a few other countries to help us out too, but alas, we do it all on our own! :)

    I'm sure the medal table will speak for itself in 3 weeks time, wait till the rowing and cycling really get going.

    Romos, I can't wait to find out just how many of the dozens upon dozens of gold medal winning Brits actually hail from Scotchland.

    Love this....Canada vs "Great Britain which includes Scotland among other countries". LOL!!

    @Ducky. I say bring it on. Let the Aussies join them too. They're always complaining about one thing or other. They'll fit right in with the Brits. Oh...and wait for the winter Olympics in 2 years. I heard Eddie the eagle is making a comeback and is Britain's biggest hope!

    This Scottish guy has won more gold medals than Canada has in the past 3 Olympic games, just a wee example

    A- who the heck is he?
    B- those medals look like they're filled with Chocolate.


    Sir Chris Hoy, our Queen usually Knights our heroes of the Olympics, even Canadian ones I think (don't know if that has ever happened though).
    terryfossil 1

    Bit of history for the Scots guys do okay..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    What a cheek,  we are probably doing well because we are used to the sh---y  climate.

    Digger, the Irish, Brittish , Welsh, and Scots are all part of the United Kingdom, so what are you complaining about ? 


    Not Southern Ireland though m/c/m,,
    terryfossil 1

    I think you will find the Irish run their own race in the Olympics MCM..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    When we have our referendum for England to come out of UK they will be on their own.

    For those who like Statistics as of 11/8/2016..2016 Olympics...United States Population 325 Million 32 Medals..*****CHINA Population 1 Billion 382 Million  23 Medals..*****Japan Population 126 Million  18 Medals..*****..Russia Population  143 Million  15 Medals..*****Great Britain Population..65 Million 12 Medals..*****Australia Population..24 Million 12 Medals..*****Canada Population 36 Million 6 Medals..And Digger you reckon the Aussies are Whingers,,looking at those stats i would say the Aussies are punching above their weight and Canada is punching below their weight,and take into account Aussie is in 4th place with 5 gold Medals and Canada in 34 place with o gold we have nothing to whinge about,we take on the big guys and the little guys and hold our own.however there is still a fair way to go in the games.and i wish you and Canada the best with the rest of the Olympics>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..;espv=2#q=olympic%20medal%20tally%202016&amp;mie=oly%2C%5B%22%2Fm%2F03tnk7%22%2C1%2C%22m%22%2C1%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2C0%5D

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