    Could an atheist become president of the USA?

    The constitution of the USA is based on the separation of church and state so why not an atheist president?

    Several countries have atheist presidents such as France, Greece, Croatia, Czech Republic, China, Australia, NZ and Belgium, and seem to manage OK.

    +3  Views: 747 Answers: 7 Posted: 7 years ago

    7 Answers

    Not very likely. The religious right wields significant clout in American politics, mostly financial. One would think that there had to have been a few Atheist President's amongst the 44 to date. Sadly, the closet is the only place to hide in if you're running for office in America.  


    There's no law against it, or rigging nominations, or perjury. 


    Law or no law, would you ever consider the possibility of voting for a candidate who was an avowed Atheist ?

    I doubt it.

    As a confirmed atheist I can't imagine why not.But the yanks are kinda funny about it.I remember the kerfuffle about Kennedy being a Catholic and look how that turned out.

    As far as i know Nom,all of our liberal prime ministers are christian in Aussie,,most non christian prime ministers come from the labor side sorry to say,,labor tends to bury us and liberal builds us,,personal point of view Nom..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Why not?  As long as he/she doesn't "preach " about their reasons and acknowledge those that do have religion. ..

    No, but then again, I never thought I'd see an African-American U.S. president...and I DO mean "African" (Kenya-lol!)

    I don't actually mind atheism necessarily. I may have been an atheist at one point and perhaps a person simply has not found god in their life yet or perhaps a person is living a happy life without finding god. Either way it's not offensive necessarily. Not finding God and still being happy has actually always sounded rather quaint to me to tell you the truth. But if a person tells me that there is no God. This is actually fairly ridiculous. 

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