    My car is totaled. My question is this.....

    .....which would be better,  selling it to a junk yard or parting it out?  Good tires,  the motor only has 75,000 miles, and the radio was expensive. Well? Help me here.....

    +5  Views: 725 Answers: 7 Posted: 7 years ago

    7 Answers

    I wouldn't have a clue. For sure, selling it to a junk yard would be easier. I guess I would ask the junk yard for a price, then find someone who is familiar with car part prices (mechanic, service manager, etc.) and ask questions. Is it worth the hassle of selling part by part? Everyone will want to argue your prices and it will take days (at least) to finish it off. What do you do with the 'leftovers'?

    P.S. Are you a salesperson or do I need to come down there?  lol

    Yank the engine and sell it for a grand and sell the rest to the crusher for up to 200 bucks! OR sell it online as a parts car and ask a few grand and take the best offer. Remember to place the price higher than what you'll accept! Yank the stereo and tires and sell them separately too ... tell the tow company to bring a flatdeck w cherrypicker to take what's left ... so much fun!!!


    Sounds like a party?

    Eeeee Haaaaaaw! LoL Bring your own goggles!!!

    Why, are we planning to beat the remains of the car to death? lol

    Canadian eh? 8D

    From my personal experience, after my car was totaled, I think you will double the  money by selling the parts separately. 

    What did the insurance do? They usually take care of the totalled car.  We bought ours back and scraped it out so I do have to ask do you have the equipment to do so? Engines, transmissions need cranes or at least available rafters or a big old tree  and a come along or block and tackle to lift them out. If you have to pay some one to do this you are probably better off selling the whole car to a yard.


    My sister only let me pay for liability, nothing else. And the driver of the Caddy cst? It was her daddy 's car and the insurance company is still investigating. The wreck was 11 days ago.

    My son's van was hit by insured driver at fault two months ago and they are still waiting. 11 days is a minute.

    Perhaps the insurance settlement will be sufficient for your needs. 

    Cheap and easy way to go is wreckers.but if you have the time and space,selling bits and pieces ,you could do well,then sell what is left to wreckers or scrap metal..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Trade the vehicle in, there are benefits for the trade. If running, you will still get about 1000.00 depending on condition. Don't waste you time and effort parting.


    It's a big hassle at least in Ohio to get a salvage title to be able to trade it in if it's totalled it's not worth the hassle unless you have somebody that really wants the whole car. We tried that with mine . The guy hit me in the rear end doing 65+ I had a2005 VW TDI wagon I could still drive it as a matter of fact I drove it on the roll-off when they came to pick it up. But when the insurance totalled it , it was done.

    My car isn’t gong anywhere. She spun and hit me on three sides!

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