    Do you eat 3 meals a day?

    +5  Views: 1148 Answers: 7 Posted: 8 years ago

    7 Answers

    No, generally speaking, two and nibbling.
    Image result for bowl of popcorn    Image result for cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream  Image result for bowl of nuts   Image result for steak and potatoes dinner   Image result for teriyaki chicken bowl  stuff like this. 

    country bumpkin

    We had a popcorn bowl in the 90's like the one shown in the picture. I had forgotten all about it.

    Yes , Porridge oats  for breakfast , Coffee break at about 10am with 2 rivita and a slice of cucumber.

    Lunch Egg on toast or just toast, Evening dinner . ooops that could be a little more than tree meals.


    What is rivita?

    Ah...a coupla crackers. :)

    Breakfast: 3 slices of toast with Vegemite, one slice for the Dog, plus 2 cups of Coffee, skip lunch and for Dinner whatever the wife dishes up. i may have a few cups of coffee thru the day.  :)

    Usually but it depends on how my day goes and if I'm hungry or not.

    Two meals, egg and toast for brunch and dinner/tea around seven. I'll have a late night snack on the weekends if I'm drinking.

    Generally two, along with some 'grazing' between meals.      :)

    Yep,weet-bix,,salad,then topped of with a hot tea,,plus a few coffee through the day..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Moderator that cereal? Then a salad and that's it for the whole day? No meat, vegetables, "big food"? LOL I'd starve to death.
    terryfossil 1

    Tea time Duck,8.00 oclock,,pm,,Fish,steak and veges..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..weet-bix=cereal,,vita brits=cereal,,we eat at,7.30 am,,12.00 midday,,8.00pm,,3 meals a day..

    If I ate that late at night (8pm), I would be up until 2am. I am usually finished my supper between 5:30 - 6:30pm. Different customs.
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Duck,we do not head for the blanket show till 10.00 pm- 10.30 pm..and we are up at sparrow fart,,5.30 am..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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