    I Found a piguin the garden,a young one think,but he has no tail,so ive put him in with my Cockatils,or a moment,but he/hehas no tail and can not fly ,if i keep him for awhile will his tail grow,if so how long will it take so he/she can fly,??

    +5  Views: 622 Answers: 8 Posted: 8 years ago


    I thought Penguins only existed in Antarctica.

    I need an answer for the poor Pigeon,i don't want him to be put to sleep.

    LOL.I thought it was penguin too. FLY??????

    Merry Xmas Den.

    Same here Tommy....penquins....I thought that I was learning something new! :)

    Poor old Den just hasn't figured out spellcheck yet.

    I think that he is just having fun with us. :)

    8 Answers

    Check this out Dougal...


    Thanks Ted for a common sense answer and reply,

    The bird should be fine in a week or two.

    Sorry about my insensitive answer to you question Dennis, but you know us Essex boys can't resist a cheap joke at a birds expense

    its just that I cant spell pigeon.Dave..


    You found these in your garden? Do you eat them?



    Don't encourage him to kill Penguins .

    He or she will probably  think they are a cocktil or a cocktail  if you leave them together long enough. If it doesn't  work out you could always have a pigeon  pie.


    Don't encourage him to kill birds. There's enough animal killing going around

    Penguins can't fly. What you might have found was a young lad who was all "decked-out" in a tux and got separated from a wedding party. Don't keep him for too long. Eventually the parents will go looking for him! The Bobbies too!

    Dennis this reminds me of a Sunday morning when I was on my way to church and I saw a pigeon lying on the side of the road while car tires were whizzing  along side it and the fear in that poor birds eyes! When I arrived home 3 hours later the bird had not moved. I placed the bird inside a shoe box with paper towels, bread and water and set the box with the bird among some branches in my back yard. Unfortunately a few hours later the bird died.  I was sad that I was unable to save the bird but a little relieved knowing that it must of had some relief and comfort dying peacefully perched amongst the branches and leaves of a tree instead of dying in fear on the side of a busy road. I hope the pigeon makes a full recovery Dennis but if it doesn't at least you know you did your best.


    can but try I guess c/b thanks,

    Epsom salt is a great root stimulator. Try feeding "it" a couple of dashes with it's meals. If all else fails, try running some on the base of the tail.....


    Epsom salts are also a very good laxative, plenty newspaper will be required also.

    I guess pigeons can regrow their tail feathers and some can fly without them. I'm not sure if I would keep it with healhy birds ,but maybe near so it sees how to fly but not too close incase the pigeon is ill! Good luck anyway!



    I think the pigeon is healthy a cat may have had his tail,one of my cockertil was groming him for awhile,he only a young one,clu,

    Hope he makes it! That is one way a pigeon looses his tail Also if he is grapped by his tail! Keep us updated on his progress, OK?

    Hector when did you learn 'Pidgin English, or is it Penquin English. :)


    Ted taught me,

    Who the Hec is Ted ? :)

    He calls himself Ramos sometimes,

    Oh! i thought you may be referring to Sh#t Ted. :)

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