    When did you last let someone down? Did you make amends?

    I try hard to keep my word and promises, I think my scoring is about equal (I'm careful with my vows). The most close I've come to letting down is my unflappable politics. I'm a democratic/liberal/socialist and Bob? What can I say? She's a republican......

    0  Views: 540 Answers: 1 Posted: 9 years ago

    "Republican" is categorical. I disagree with some aspects of traditional Republican values. What I agree with is letting people keep most of the money they have earned. Limiting the amount and length of welfare allotments for people, better checks and balances on those programs, stiff penalties for fraud...I'd like to see some action in this arena. Did I misunderstand the Congress is considering substantial increases in Medi-care costs along with raising the debt ceiling in order to pass a budget? Are they going to let Paul Ryan dictate new rules for Speaker of the House? Those aren't MY kind of "Republican" values.

    1 Answer

    I think the main problem with a liberal is the notion that it's OK to be liberal with that which belongs to someone else.  For example, do taxpayers OWE a woman with 6 illegitimate kids food, clothing, and shelter, or should she lose the kids to qualified persons who will dedicate any subsistence for their care FOR their care?

    Those children should have an opportunity to grow up with an education OUTSIDE the classroom that teaches them to have self-respect and initiative, value self-reliance and determination to succeed in life without falling back on government programs to sustain them. 

    Oh, but when did I last let someone down?  Probably missing my 10th frame spare and our team losing by less than 10 pins...not that everyone else on the team got a 300, of course.


    Educate the woman with 6 kids. Oop! No more Planned Parenthood...... Guess who/what party decided this?

    Your hook missed the mark, Julie. I worked in a "Family Support Office" - Planned Parenthood making a difference in cases like this - that will be the day.

    So give up? Take the kids she probably loves very much? From personal experience, I HATE fostering, a lot of bad news that…..

    Six kids and still sitting on her butt when her legs aren't in the air? SOME PEOPLE DON'T DESERVE THE BLESSING OF CHILDREN, and CHILDREN CERTAINLY DON'T DESERVE TO BE "RAISED" BY THOSE PEOPLE.
    Your personal experience is unrelated to my example. Weren't you raising your child and holding down a job and paying your bills, and not creating more children with random men? Not the same, Julie.
    Mix some realism with your idealism and I'll mix a little sympathy with my cynicism.

    You do not know her story. There are all kinds of explanations but cynicism prevails in this case…. Not all the horror stories about fostering are about me…..

    Actually, Julie, I DO know her story. YOU don't. You jumped to the conclusion she loves her kids and is the victim of some horrible society who should give her more education and more money to raise kids from multiple fathers. You are ready to crucify me as the "bad Republican" who says enough is too much. I don't agree with that kind of bleeding heart liberalism, but, hey, if YOU have the funds to supplement folks like that, YOU do it.
    And, I'm done with this. Does no one need ever look in a mirror to find the reason for their problems?


    Whether you two will ever agree or not, you are both very good debaters! I enjoy reading your "back and forths" and especially because I know you are friends. Good job!

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