    What do skunk's eat

    we need to trap skunks and remove them.

    0  Views: 659 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

    5 Answers

    Skunks are omnivorous, eating both plant and animal material and changing their diets as the seasons change. They eat insects and larvae, earthworms, grubs, small rodents, lizards, salamanders, frogs, snakes, birds, moles and eggs. They also commonly eat berries, roots, leaves, grasses, fungi and nuts.


    and Skunks eat many kinds of animal and vegetable foods, including: beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, caterpillars, ants, bees, wasps, earthworms, milllipedes, centipedes, crayfish, snails, slugs, salamanders, frogs, turtle eggs, eggs of ground-nesting birds, mice, shrews, squirrels, young rabbits, fish, small snakes, ... pretty much the same list, and I didn't want to put it somewhere else, 'cuz YOU gave the real answer!!!

    I once watched a family of skunks eat under our crab apple tree and the ground looked almost tilled when they were done! Eating grubs they were! I have seen VERY few skunks the past 3 years!  Just leave the skunks be! They do more good than harm!



    Come to think of it, some skunks invaded my campground in NM several years ago. They were going at the ice cream....bastards!!!

    Trapping skunks to relocate is going to take some tricky maneuvers.  How do you plan to move the skunks once you've trapped them without having the "spray"? 


    Tomato juice swimming pool?

    Yep. My friend trapped when money was tight. He couldn't do anything with the skunk that filled a trap one day but shoot it as humanely as possible. The trap wasn't recovered.

    They eat pretty much anything.


    They don't! Skunks don't eat couches, dishes, wooden sculptures of elephants, clay figurines, plastic Halloween vampire teeth, cloth tops on convertibles, paper clips or FAX machines. I'm not trying to give you a bad time, but your answer is not really helpful!

    Thank you Phyllis. I can put my elephants back on the shelves now.

    Happy to help put your mind at ease, ROMOS!

    Do not know what they eat,,but i imagine they eat alone,,they seem like a solitary animal. no idea why.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    I think there was a small "family" of skunks eating my ice cream!

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