    Why can't I change the accoutn address. We moved from San Diego to Solana Beach on July 1 but your acct info is still San Diego?

    0  Views: 332 Answers: 3 Posted: 8 years ago

    3 Answers

    Please provide us with more information so we may actually help you. This is akaqa,  a general question and answer forum so the more info you provide us the more info we may provide to help you.


    They should move because you did?

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    If you are referring to a credit card account, there should be a place on the back of your "return with payment" stub for you to provide your new address.  If you are having trouble, contact whoever it is that hasn't updated your account information and make sure they make the change of address.  If IS up to YOU to follow through with this kind of thing.  What have YOU done? 

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