    anyone having problems with Ebay?

    Ebay will not accept my password which I have used for several years. Any ideas?

    +1  Views: 629 Answers: 3 Posted: 8 years ago

    3 Answers

    Here's what we found for "Sign-in or password problems"

    <form id="nlp" action="" method="post" name="nlp">

    If you forgot your username, you can sign in to eBay using your email address instead of your username.

    If you forgot your password, you'll need to provide the email address registered on your eBay account. If you can't access your email or can't remember which email is registered on eBay, contact us so we can help.

    For security, we don't have access to your password. If you can't sign in, here's what you can do:

    • Check for spelling errors.

    • Make sure the Caps Lock key on your keyboard is off.

    • Check that your browser's autocomplete settings aren't automatically filling in extra information for the username or password.

    • If you reset your password, and can't find the eBay email about resetting your password, look in your junk/spam email folder.

    If you can't access your email, you may need to reset your password with your email service provider." 





    “We”? So it’s official and almost on paper……….

    LOL A little multi-cyber-personality disorder anyone? LOL

    I used Ebay last week and had no problem (especially considering I hadn’t visited in years!). I do know they won’t accept a credit card now days, you have to go through PayPal or have an account with Ebay itself. Do you?


    terryfossil 1

    I use paypal when i buy a book from UK and on Gumtree,,and i am very happy with paypal ..>>>>>>>><<<<<..

    Works OK today, must  be a glitch at ebay's end.

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