    David has stood! After a lazy year of lying around the therapist has him standing on two legs!

    He is terrified and afraid of his own weakness but therapy beyond and on his own lacks luster, easily pooh pooh'd. He was crying to me last night. I don't relent, I'm mean.......

    +5  Views: 790 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    It must be a difficult task but you are standing by him,where else can he turn,lets hope all ends well for him,and you will be rewarded in knowing you have done all you can and more,

    8 Answers

    Ye.....Yippy, keep at him...

    Practice makes perfect !


    I spoke too soon. He’s back to being lazy and avoiding all and simplest exercises. Refusing to do anything. So, I’m ignoring him. I’ll get him water before he goes to bed and his pill, until then, Im in another room.

    Maybe he should take care of his own "personal" needs without help, too. THAT should get old REAL fast.

    Don't give in Julie, Keep working on him to get moving, it's the only way. You just have to make him realise it's the best thing for him.


    Sounds as if David needs a kick up the B/S,

    This may sound harsh, but David could have an issue that is more than just physical. There are reasons why some people choose to "stay sick". I wonder what his doctor says about his condition?


    The doctor would proberly give him a kick up the goolies.

    The doctor has him on antidepressants but I've just about given up. He is absolutely not doing a thing at all. If he goes to a nursing home, so be it. He doesn't try, I want try......

    He may have gotten to the place in his life where he feels there is no reason to work at anything. How old is this man?

    He turn 62 in Jan. 2016. No, he has always been lazy. His wife told me he does nothing. I asked if he took out trash and she said “nothing”, I asked if he went out to get the paper and she said “nothing”…. David is lazy and want to be waited on.

    Oh...62!? I'm sure that you've done as much as you can Julie. He doesn't want to be helped. Sad to watch, isn't it?

    Yes I have. I stopped last night and when I therapist came today I spoke up. He’s quiet now but NOT exercising…….

    Great news!  NOT a surprise.  YOU can do what you put your mind to and David can do so much more (and should) for himself! 


    ear ear miss bob,

    His gut bacteria is off significantly possibly. Try Garden of Life Raw Probiotics, for men 50 and wiser. I get mine from Vitacost. Also try a product called Cell Food by Nu Science Corp. It comes in a small dropper bottle. He wont get any better until be gets healthier. He has no idea how to help himself. I went to the lady in Capitan NewMexico and now im not taking any more diabetic meds. It all comes down to bacteria in the gut.

    A difficult situation at best. Maybe some good old fashion tough love is in order. Good luck.

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